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4. Signatures - Every email that you send out should contain a signature. A signature is at
end of your emails and should look something like this .
John Smith Fake Company Providing Professional Brochures at a Discount Price!
You never know will need your design services, why risk missing out on a potential client?
5. Post Your Profiles - Yes, posting your profiles on
freelance job sites is a perfect way to network. How else better to get your name out in
freelance world than placing your name on a freelance site?
6. Reciprocal Link - If you have a web site, ask for a reciprocal link from others in your profession or similar professions. For example, if you are a graphic designer, ask for reciprocal links from fellow graphic designers, illustrators, photographers, etc. I get more traffic to All Freelance from reciprocal links than I do from search engines.
7. Introduce Yourself - Search and find other professional's websites and email them. Introduce yourself and your services to them. Let them know that you are available for work if they ever need to outsource. Ask questions. How long have you been freelancing? Where do you find clients? What is your specialty? Would they want extra work you have in
future? Etc.
8. Place your site in directories and search engines - It is good to get your name out in searchable directories . this is much more preferable than to search engines that don't really pick up any good matches. I recommend going to
following web sites to get listed
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For a listing of search engines to get listed in go to :
* *
Article submitted by - 1000s of freelance jobs, articles, and resources. Allfreelance is also host of creative portfolios.

Article submitted by - 1000s of freelance jobs, articles, and resources. Allfreelance is also host of creative portfolios. You have permission to copy this article ONLY if you include the following blurb: <===============================================> - 1000s of freelance jobs, articles, and resources. <===============================================>