Should You Be Taking Liquid Vitamins?

Written by Hamoon Arbabi

Continued from page 1
Now we come to another important question: Do you have a dangerous mineral deficiency? For example, if you are deficient in selenium, you could experience an irregular heart beat, infertility, or muscular dystrophy. A deficiency in tin could lead to male pattern baldness. And a lack of lithium could cause reproductive failure. Yikes! (Byrepparttar way,repparttar 148265 product I’m going to tell you about contains allrepparttar 148266 macro and trace minerals known to man!) Hopefully you now realizerepparttar 148267 importance of vitamins and minerals in your diet. But you probably know how annoying it is to take pills. Well, what about liquid vitamins? First off, let’s talk about absorption rates. In pill form, only 10-20% ofrepparttar 148268 vitamins are absorbed. However, in liquid form, 98% are absorbed. (Think of taking pills as flushing 80-90% of your money downrepparttar 148269 toilet!) (1996 Physicians Desk Reference, p. 1542) Along with actually working, liquid vitamins are easy to use. Just take a few sips, swish it around in your mouth, and swallow. That’s it. Personally, I hate swallowing pills. I know some people who couldn’t swallow a pill to save their life. And I know people who pass pills through their system without breaking them down at all. However, everyone I know can swallow a liquid. Not too long ago, Centrum actually came out with a liquid multivitamin because they could seerepparttar 148270 potential in this market. However, it is simply a multivitamin in liquid form. Wait…isn’t that what we wanted? Well, yes. But there is something even better.

For more information about Multivitamins, Proteins, Antioxidants and Ceatines go to :

Body Building Supplementation

Written by Hamoon Arbabi

Continued from page 1
Body Building Supplement – examples. Since there are so many body building supplement products available to public, for almost every need in bodybuilding, there's a supplement that answers that need. The choice of supplement depends a lot on what arerepparttar goals of your body building program. For example, if your goal is gaining weight, many athletes say that creatine is essential. But since there is no scientific proof ofrepparttar 148264 benefits of creatine or many other supplements, be careful and don’t simply trust thatrepparttar 148265 claims onrepparttar 148266 label ofrepparttar 148267 product. Spend some time researching aboutrepparttar 148268 product, consult with professionals. The body building supplement that you will use should both bringrepparttar 148269 positive body building results and be safe. If you are using several body building supplements, make sure that they can be used together without any danger to your health.

Hamoon Arbabi For more information about Creatines, Multivitamins, Proteins and Antioxidants go to :

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