Shopping Cart Usability

Written by Lee Roberts

Continued from page 1


Flash requiresrepparttar shopper to supportrepparttar 108822 version of Flash being used. People that support Flash 4 can't support Flash MX without upgrading. Customers will leave for another store if they are required to upgrade their plug-ins. Atrepparttar 108823 very least, it will require that they have to downloadrepparttar 108824 plug-in and startrepparttar 108825 shopping experience fromrepparttar 108826 very beginning.

Checkout Process

The checkout process should be as short as possible. The faster a person can checkoutrepparttar 108827 fasterrepparttar 108828 customer can be on their way to other things.

Checkout Progress

Each step ofrepparttar 108829 checkout progress should indicaterepparttar 108830 current step andrepparttar 108831 total number of steps. This helpsrepparttar 108832 customer know where they are inrepparttar 108833 process andrepparttar 108834 number of steps remaining.

Ask for Information inrepparttar 108835 Proper Order

Credit card information should never be asked for until after allrepparttar 108836 charges have been calculated and presented torepparttar 108837 customer. Asking for this information prior to disclosingrepparttar 108838 full charges will causerepparttar 108839 shopper to abandonrepparttar 108840 cart.

Advantages of Usable Shopping Carts

Usable shopping carts openrepparttar 108841 market torepparttar 108842 consumer. By making a shopping cart usable torepparttar 108843 consumerrepparttar 108844 process of shopping online is less threatening and actually becomes more inviting. NetIQ,repparttar 108845 developers of WebTrends, has developed a successful system that helps web site owners, marketing specialists and web development teams make more usable and helpful web sites.

Understanding how shoppers use one's site and shopping cart can help turn more visitors into purchasing customers. The national average for shopping cart conversion is two percent; however that conversion rate can be increased through having more usable web sites and shopping carts. Multiple paths torepparttar 108846 products and easier checkout processes can help greatly.

Lee Roberts is the President/CEO of Rose Rock Design, Inc. and owner of the Apple Pie Shopping Cart.

How To Accept Credit Card Payment Online On Your Website

Written by Joe Lee

Continued from page 1

4. Applying a merchant account You may arrange for a merchant account with a company that offers payment-processing services that are known as merchant service providers. Alternatively, you can contact your local bank to open a merchant account.

For small e-business, you may have problems in getting a merchant account. Reputable banks and financial institutions are very selective about who they give merchant account to. Normally, you may not be able to open one if you are new torepparttar internet and just starting your online business. And it seems to be very complicated and expensive to set up your own merchant account, your gateway and secure order form. Fortunately, there are many companies onrepparttar 108821 net offering these 3 services in one package.

So, you don't *ACTUALLY* need a merchant account to accept credit card payments. You can getrepparttar 108822 service of these so-called 3rd party credit card processors. Of course, you will be charged a higher percentage ofrepparttar 108823 ticket price and will only be able to receive paychecks twice or three times a month depending onrepparttar 108824 service providers you sign up with. But, it is a good start for small ebusiness.

Forrepparttar 108825 beginner, it makes most sense because setting up your site's ability to accept credit card is going to be lots easier. It is much set up and ready to go as soon as you sign up. This gives you more time to concentrate on other important stuff like finding new business venture etc. You can always move to a more expensive, more complex and possibly more reliable service later on if your business grows.

Below are brief descriptions of 3rd party credit card processors that provide real time credit card payment processing I found in cyberspace...

1. Clickbank Clickbank isrepparttar 108826 online distribution center for digital products. It accepts online credit card payment. The best part of Clickbank is it has a built-in affiliate network that handles your affiliate program automatically. It boasts to have 100,000 members. In other words, you have 100,000 people ready to promote your products.

2. has a broad range of services for small e-businesses, whether you're selling a digital product, a service or selling membership in which you will have recurring billing. It charges a one-time set up fee of $49 and a 5.5% commission plus a $0.45 on each transaction. No monthly fees, no minimum payment. I have been using their service for quite some time and found their service had been excellent.

3. is an electronic commerce solution for publishers of software, shareware, information and data. You can inexpensively build a secure storefront to merchandise your products, take orders online, process payments and distribute digital products overrepparttar 108827 internet.

It lets you have complete control over all your online e-commerce activities like pricing, order form and delivery options. However, charges a somewhat high processing fee : 13.9% commission for each transaction.

4. handles all banking, risk management, affiliate management and customer service issues for clients selling products and services onrepparttar 108828 internet. It boasts to offerrepparttar 108829 most comprehensive payment options onrepparttar 108830 web including credit cards, online checks and telephone billing. However, it charges a flat 15% on sales go through them. It is a bit expensive but it looks very corporate and professional.

Ok, I'm not going to explain anymore. There are too many out there such as Paypal, CCNow, Paysystems,, and many more. I'll let you explore yourself. But keep in mind that rates and features can vary greatly. Research your choices carefully and make decision based on what your customers would prefer and your small business can afford.

* You are FREE to publish this article in your ezine or on your website as long asrepparttar 108831 sig file is included in entirety.

Online marketing expert, Joe Lee is revealing the internet marketing secrets that helped him to make thousands of dollars in profits. No secrets withheld! All secrets are revealed in his FREE email course. Subscribe FREE now! mailto:

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