Shipping Supplies For Your eBay Auction Business

Written by Sydney Johnston

Continued from page 1

 The post office recommends popcorn (without butter and salt, of course - is that to keep us from eating it?) I like popcorn for packing, but you might not want to use it to go on safari because little critters might like it, too.

 Cut up cardboard can be very effective as packing material, but it is mighty tough to chop up.

 Padded envelopes are a popular choice, because they are so simple - just insertrepparttar whatever and mail. But, of course, they aren't cheap. Whenever you receive anything in one of these envelopes, save them! (Are you thinking about allrepparttar 135505 envelopes you've thrown away?)

 Bubble wrap isrepparttar 135506 preferred favorite. It cushions objects so well (and it's such fun to poprepparttar 135507 bubbles!) Of course, it costs more thanrepparttar 135508 the other materials, so always look for bargains on this valuable product and save every scrap you get.

And (big surprise)repparttar 135509 best place to get bubble wrap, as well as other supplies, is on eBay. Today, for instance, I find 700 feet of 12" wrap for $34.50.

By contrast, only 25 feet of 12 bubble wrap at Staples is $4.98 That means that 700 feet at Staples would cost $139.44. Whew ... quite a saving.

Other necessary auction supplies include mailing tape, regular tape, scissors, labels and an easily legible marker.

I wrap everything in plastic bags, just for safety's sake, so you might want some of those handy, too. One of my packages arrived damp and withrepparttar 135510 corner shredded (wonder where that box had been?) But, since I had wrappedrepparttar 135511 books and tapes in plastic, they were unharmed andrepparttar 135512 buyer was so appreciative.

Another precaution you might consider is to include an extra label insiderepparttar 135513 package, just in case. You don't want your inventory sitting around one of those dead mail offices.

Auction supplies are like everything else in our eBay business that raises overhead: we must use wisdom and judgment so we can keep those expenses at bare minimum.

Sydney Johnston, the AUCTION QUEEN, was one of the original sellers on eBay and has been selling on eBay since the winter of 1996. She is the originator and teacher of the famous Auction Genius Course, a powerful 16 hour multi media seminar on the Internet that teaches her students how to sell on ebay.

All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) Sell Well On eBay

Written by Sydney Johnston

Continued from page 1

Eye protection — Eye protection is a must. If an object such as a rock, branch or even a bug hits you inrepparttar face, it will distract you and may cause blindness if it hits you inrepparttar 135504 eyes.

Regular sunglasses do not provide adequate protection. The helmet's face shield or a pair of riding goggles will protect your eyes properly. Select well-ventilated goggles that can be securely fastened and are free from scratches.

Gloves — Gloves provide protection from abrasions and help to keep your hands from getting sore, tired or cold. Off-road style motorcycle gloves provide a good combination of protection and comfort.

Boots — Riders should wear boots that lace up at least aboverepparttar 135505 ankle for ankle support, with low heels to help preventrepparttar 135506 boot from slipping offrepparttar 135507 footrests.

Shirt and pants — A long-sleeved shirt and long pants should be worn to reduce abrasions onrepparttar 135508 body.

Selling ATVs is a lucrative market on eBay -and for added profit, why not sellrepparttar 135509 safety equipment above? It will add to your bank account and protect your buyers.

Sydney Johnston, the Auction Queen, was one of the original sellers on eBay and has been selling on eBay since the winter of 1996. She is the originator and teacher of the famous Auction Genius Course, a powerful 16 hour multi media seminar on the Internet that teaches her students how to sell on ebay.

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