Shadow's Stuff Helps Dogs Lead Better Lives

Written by K. McCafferty

Continued from page 1
Shadow’s Stuff consists of a line of natural, chemical free and vegetarian products that ironically are tested on humans. Once they are determined safe and gentle on human skin, Karen will then use them on her own furry babies. Diamond inrepparttar Ruff Shampoo, and her best seller, Itchy Skin Relief Cream are an indispensable combination. She also offers Healing Pad Ointment, Furry Friend Sunscreen and Bye Bye Buggy insect repellant. The complete line can be seen at . Bye Bye Buggy is not to be used instead ofrepparttar 110995 veterinarian prescribed flea and tick preparations that keep your friend safe throughrepparttar 110996 season. Instead their bug repellant is to be used on dogs to keep immediate bugs from bothering them, such as flies and other pests. Furry Friend Sunscreen is useful forrepparttar 110997 bridge of nose, onrepparttar 110998 visible skin whererepparttar 110999 fur naturally parts, and any other bald or areas where you feel protection may be needed. All of Spring Rain Botanicals products, whether for humans or fur people, were developed out of Karen’s own family’s need for gentle skincare to ease allergic reactions. As with people, every dog is different therefore speed and effectiveness will of course vary by individual. Karen is always available to answer any questions, and recommend which products may be suited for your furry friend.

Spring Rain Botanicals is one ofrepparttar 111000 fastest growing manufacturers of natural and vegetarian skincare onrepparttar 111001 market today. They offer their retailers and their customers excellent support and service. Contact Spring Rain Botanicals today to have access to a fantastic line of products.

For Information Contact: Karen McCafferty Shadow’s Stuff & Spring Rain Botanicals

Self employed mom & Animal lover


Written by Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes

Continued from page 1

Summer vacation is about to end, and our weekly ritual will soon give way to soccer games and birthday parties. Lucky for me,repparttar farmers will be back next year with their trucks piled high, just as they’ve done for generations.


This makes a terrific afternoon snack on a warm summer’s day. When entertaining, serve in a honeydew melon half and decoraterepparttar 110994 rim with fresh blueberries and mint sprigs.


1 Pint Strawberries 2 Teaspoons Lemon Juice 3 Tablespoons Honey 4 oz Cream Cheese, Room Temperature 1 Cup Plain Yogurt

Assorted Fruit Slices


1. Washrepparttar 110995 strawberries and removerepparttar 110996 green tops.

2. Place strawberries in a blender or food processor with lemon juice, honey, cream cheese, and yogurt. Puree until smooth.

3. To make a honeydew melon bowl, cutrepparttar 110997 melon in half and scoop outrepparttar 110998 seeds. Slice a 3 inch diameter circle offrepparttar 110999 rounded bottom ofrepparttar 111000 rind so your bowl will sit flat.

4. Serve with slices of your favorite summer fruit. Peaches, plums, apples, and melons all work well and make a colorful presentation.

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Rondi Hillstrom Davis and Janell Sewall Oakes are the co-authors of the award-winning book Together: Creating Family Traditions. To check out their website that's jam packed with family ideas, visit To subscribe to their online newsletter, go to

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