Sex & Pregnancy...Do they mix??? ©

Written by Tara Grant

Continued from page 1

Are there any positions that are more comfortable during my later months of pregnancy? Once your belly begins to grow, it may become uncomfortable to have sex inrepparttar "man on top" position. The "spoon" position has become pretty popular among pregnant women! In this position, each partner lays on their side, withrepparttar 105993 man inrepparttar 105994 back. This way your belly is not inrepparttar 105995 way and your body is still flat.

Is it true that sex can induce labor? According to medical professionals, there is a chemical in semen, that will softenrepparttar 105996 cervix, and aid inrepparttar 105997 labor process. However, sex will not actually induce labor. The semen can assistrepparttar 105998 labor process once it has begun, but will not actually cause labor to begin. If you are experiencing contractions, consult with your medical professional.

If you have any other questions that have not been addressed, talk with your medical professional! He or She would be more than willing to offer answers to your questions!

Tara Grant, owner of,, & Tara is a warm-hearted entrepreneur, mother of 2 small children and an avid networker in the wahm and parenting communities!

Creative Visualizations for Love

Written by Sam Stevens

Continued from page 1
FLOWER STAR GARDEN Imagine that you are strolling through a desert at night. You have been stranded in this desert for forty days. You feel dirty and thirsty, but there are no plants, no ponds and no water to be had at all. You look up inrepparttar sky and see thousands of fat, shining stars. You look up at one star and make a wish. Suddenlyrepparttar 105992 star falls and plops intorepparttar 105993 sand below you. Even though you are very dehydrated, you find yourself shedding one tear. This tear lands onrepparttar 105994 site ofrepparttar 105995 fallen star. To your amazement, a sprig of green shoots up throughrepparttar 105996 desert floor. This soft tendril grows in accelerated motion. It unfurls leaves and a giant bud. It is up to you to picture what kind of flower it is, but it is not a flower that you have ever seen on earth. The flower is huge,repparttar 105997 size of your head or even larger. The bud opens up to reveal its petals. Noticerepparttar 105998 flower's vibrant color. Inhale its heady and alluring fragrance. Does it smell like fruit, or roses or chocolate? Touchrepparttar 105999 petals. Do they feel like satin, feathers or velvet? When you touchrepparttar 106000 flower it begins to emit beautiful music. Try to imagine what this flower looks like in as much detail as you can... Asrepparttar 106001 flower opens up you notice that it is cupping a small pond full of water. You scoop this refreshing liquid up into your hands and bathe your face, hands and body with it. You take a long, refreshing cool drink from between your cupped hands. After you have drunk fromrepparttar 106002 center ofrepparttar 106003 flower, you look up and notice that more stars are falling fromrepparttar 106004 sky. They plant themselves inrepparttar 106005 ground and spring up tendrils and buds. At first there are just a few of these flowers, but soon, more fall. To your amazement no one flower seems to berepparttar 106006 same as another. As each one blooms they spill water ontorepparttar 106007 barren ground forming ponds and pools with waterfalls. Many of these plants grow large and house birds and other animals. The heady aroma ofrepparttar 106008 perfume of this enchanted forest fills your nostrils. You take deep exhalations and relax in this magical place filled with music, flowing water, nature andrepparttar 106009 velvety blackness ofrepparttar 106010 night sky. Your relaxation is interrupted when you hear a noise. You sit up and see a person approaching you. What does this person look like? Have you met him or her before? This person reaches out to you and embraces you. The person that manifests in this visualization can provide you with important astral information about what it is you need to correct in your love life or whom you might meet inrepparttar 106011 future.

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

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