Seven Tips to Keep up Your New Year Resolutions

Written by Lakshmi Menon

Continued from page 1

4. Make a few copies of that matter and stick them in your favorite places at home. One paper should be in your bedroom, which if you can see as you get up, will be fine.

5. Every day as you get up after your prayer, just read that piece of paper where your resolution is written. Read it at least 3 times.

6. The other pieces of paper should be pinned inrepparttar kitchen, drawing room, and another one on your computer. When you come to your computer side you will not miss it, but without your knowledge your attention will pass through that piece of paper as you wait for your computer to get booted, which will remind you of your resolution.

7. Finally atrepparttar 122809 end ofrepparttar 122810 day, when you go to bed, remember to repeat your resolution at least twice affirming that you are going to keep up your resolution, at any cost.

When you followrepparttar 122811 above tips, you will feel very happy that you have not broken your resolution and you are able to keep it up successfully, asrepparttar 122812 way you wanted it.

Lakshmi Menon has written articles and short stories. Now she is involved in internet marketing. Visit


Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1


Spend time meditating on what you want. I like to think about my meditation time as prayer is asking and meditation is listening. How would you feel if you had more time? Emotions are created by thought. If you think exciting thoughts soon you will feel excited. If you have a toothache you may feel down emotionallyrepparttar toothache goes away and you feel good again. So we can't bank our manifestations on emotions. But there is another kind of feeling, call it intuition or just what we know to be true, this kind of feeling one can manifest from. So how would you feel if you had all this time and money. Get a clear picture in your head of what you would be doing and what you would be feeling, what would you see, hear, smell, touch, if you already had all this time to do what you wanted in life. This takes practice and like anything else in life you can do it better each time you do it. Creative visualization can help you manifest more quickly becauserepparttar 122808 subconsious mind does not knowrepparttar 122809 difference between what we call reality and what you imagine.


Many people are afraid of making decisions. They are afraid if they really decide what they want in life that they may make a mistake. Well if you never start you will not make a mistake but you also will never go anywhere. If you start life is great at giving you feedback. If you feel really good about what you are doing then you are going inrepparttar 122810 right direction if you feel really bad then you got sidetracked and need to start again. Remember what I said aboutrepparttar 122811 difference between emotions and feelings.

BELIEFS Your beliefs are something to really look at when you start wanting to manifest. Some of our beliefs have never been thought out is this mine or someone elses. Like only hard work will get me where I want to go. Men don't cry. Women do not get angry. The rich get richer andrepparttar 122812 poor get poorer. Take a look at what you value, what you believe is possible. Maybe some of these are not serving you well. You also may find some that are really serving you well. There is familarity in beliefs and it can be scary to give them up. Beliefs are important because we spend a lot of energy and time defending them. We also automatically run our lives by them. Examining your beliefs can be very useful. So takerepparttar 122813 time to look at where you are creating from daily in your meditations, takerepparttar 122814 time to know what you are thinking, feeling. Examine old beliefs see if they are useful. Use affirmations, creative visualizations, feelings, to move you forward. Make a decision you can always redecide it. Nobody is right 100% ofrepparttar 122815 time.

Article by Judi Singleton. Visit Judi's blogs.

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