Seven Deadly Enemies That Stop You From Reaching Your Goals

Written by Yuliya Muravey

Continued from page 1

Enemy #3 For other 33 percents of people it is lack of persistence. These people just go withrepparttar stream, because they lack decisiveness and perseverance. They can’t get overrepparttar 148097 difficulties, they easily give up and refuse from their dreams.

Enemy #4 For 22 percentsrepparttar 148098 major enemy is their uncertainty. They don’t know what their goals are. These people just don’t know what they want to get from this life. Their life is one big question-mark for them.

Enemy #5 For some people it is fear, because they afraid to fail and get frustrated. They get angry with themselves when they don’t fulfill their goals.

Enemy #6 For other people it is laziness. These people just idle and don’t want to make any effort to achieve their goals.

Enemy #7 Finally, for some people it is a lack of opportunity. Some people are deprived ofrepparttar 148099 opportunity to exhibit their talents and gifts. Success is people-dependent factor. Often most of aspiring people are driven away form their dreams on account of opportunity factors.

A common enemy of ours isrepparttar 148100 surrounding: jealous and envy people who put obstacles on our way to success.

Now you know your enemies by their faces, so it will be easier for you to fight against them.

Yuliya Muravey is a self-employed entrepreneur and co-owner of the She believes passionately in the enormous power of the goal setting and its impact on the short-term and long-term success in life. For more information, please go to:

One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success

Written by Yuliya Muravey

Continued from page 1

The key force that drives you towards your goal is a thorough and detailed description of everything you want. You can go into details and particularize allrepparttar slightest minutiae. But atrepparttar 148096 same time your description should be per se. You should draw a clear – cut picture of your goal rather than vague and indistinct image of what you want to achieve. Be unwavering to decide what exactly you want to attain.

Accompany your written goals with visual pictures. Visualize each goal of yours. Close your eyes and imagine a car you want to buy. Get on this car, feelrepparttar 148097 softness ofrepparttar 148098 new seats,repparttar 148099 smell ofrepparttar 148100 leather inrepparttar 148101 passengers compartment. Let your imagination draw a vivid picture of your goal and embellish it with bright details. Don’t neglect this method. Remember thatrepparttar 148102 visualization of your goals keeps your motivation up and stimulates your desire to reach your goals.

An effective goal setting system can’t go without frequent review of your goals. The revision of your goals will help your analyze them more thoroughly and, perhaps, to revamp them slightly. Be flexible and have courage to change your goals. To change your goal doesn’t mean a failure, it is a victory as you have realized in time that something was different.

Keep in mind thatrepparttar 148103 more concentrated you are on your goalsrepparttar 148104 more likely you are to achieve them. Let’s take Brian Tracy, one ofrepparttar 148105 most successful and productive people, for instance. He began his way as an apprentice onrepparttar 148106 ocean – going ship. Only his perseverance and discipline helped him develop an effective goal setting system, which led him to success in life. Now he is one ofrepparttar 148107 most high – paid and successful businessman.

“Discipline isrepparttar 148108 bridge between your goals and their accomplishment.” You can composerepparttar 148109 whole Declaration of your life goals. This document will come into force only when you write down all your goals. It’ll be confirmed by you andrepparttar 148110 control for its accomplishment will lie on your conscious. From this moment you and nobody else takerepparttar 148111 responsibility for your life.

Try this success strategy of writing down your goals and be sure that it won’t let you down. Remember a saying: “If you don’t have a target,repparttar 148112 arrow will hit nothing.”

Yuliya Muravey is a self-employed entrepreneur and co-owner of the She believes passionately in the enormous power of the goal setting and its impact on the short-term and long-term success in life. For more information, please go to:

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