"Set up Clickbank - easy step-by-step directions to set up Clickbank."

Written by Karl Augustine

Continued from page 1

Most importantly, have a web form on your "Thank You" page that has 2 fields; 1 forrepparttar person's name, and 1 forrepparttar 116609 person's email. On your "Thank You" page, put "Enterrepparttar 116610 Information Here to Completerepparttar 116611 Sale" referring torepparttar 116612 web form withrepparttar 116613 2 fields in it. This way you getrepparttar 116614 person's name and email so you can follow up later with marketing messages or feedback questions.

Afterrepparttar 116615 person enters their name and email into that web form onrepparttar 116616 "Thank You" page and clicksrepparttar 116617 "Submit" button, their name will be stored in your auto responder's database. Inrepparttar 116618 code of that web form, there is what Get Response calls a "confirmation URL"...this "confirmation URL" isrepparttar 116619 URL whererepparttar 116620 user will be taken to afterrepparttar 116621 "Submit" button is clicked from your"Thank You" page...this "confirmation URL" will actually be your download page.

On your download page, you'll have step by step instructions to download your product. Believe me, havingrepparttar 116622 step by step instructions on how to download your product on your download page will save you lots of time in answering emails from people asking you how to download your product. On your download page, you'll have a link thatrepparttar 116623 user will click to download your product.

If you setup your payment option via Clickbank in this fashion you will:

Save yourself time by not having to answer emails about how to download Keep a consistent message throughoutrepparttar 116624 sales process, professionalism Gatherrepparttar 116625 name and email ofrepparttar 116626 person who bought so you can follow up for feedback or send other marketing messages to... If you sign up for an auto responder, setting this up is a breeze...most give yourepparttar 116627 code you need to put inside your web page to makerepparttar 116628 web form...its very simple. Of course, you'll have to build your order page, "Thank You" and "confirmation URL/Download Page" yourself in your HTML Editor."

Karl Augustine

Author, "9 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Starting An Online Business" Publisher, "Starting Smart!" e-zine

Clickbank setup


"Niche Marketing: Tactics to Use To Make Money With Niche Marketing"

Written by Karl Augustine

Continued from page 1

Niche Marketing Strategy #3, "Choosing keywords and domain names" Research and choose your keywords carefully so you can acquirerepparttar best domain name for your site. Niche marketing most often includes maximizingrepparttar 116608 way search engines work to make sure that your web site gets listed onrepparttar 116609 first page ofrepparttar 116610 SERP's from your chosen keywords. Your domain name contributes to getting those first page results.

Go to Digitalpoint's keyword suggestion tool and type in keywords that you feel people would use to findrepparttar 116611 product or service that you offer within your niche. Look atrepparttar 116612 number of searches performed per day for those keywords and reviewrepparttar 116613 other keywords listed.

Typerepparttar 116614 keyword phrase that you think best suits your USP's target customer into Google and assess whether or not you can reasonably compete withrepparttar 116615 sites that are listed on page 1 ofrepparttar 116616 SERPs. Can you get a page 1 ranking knowing that you'll have to compete withrepparttar 116617 sites already listed?

Repeatrepparttar 116618 process until you have decided what your main keywords will be for your product or service within your niche.

Those keywords should be in your domain name and preferably, they should be your entire domain name.

Example: if you've concluded that 'blue widgets' best suits your USP and you feel that you can compete for page 1 listings onrepparttar 116619 SERPs withrepparttar 116620 sites that come up on page 1 forrepparttar 116621 keyword 'blue widgets', then a good domain name for your niche marketing site would be 'bluewidgets.com'.

Niche Marketing Tactic #4, "Posting keyword rich articles or reports throughoutrepparttar 116622 web" Niche marketing doesn't differ from any other online search engine marketing, posting relevant content isrepparttar 116623 best way (bar none) to getrepparttar 116624 right type of traffic to your niche site.

Writing keyword rich articles or reports and posting them to high traffic web sites is a great way to make sure that you get maximum exposure within your niche market. People will use your keywords to search for information aboutrepparttar 116625 topic that they have interest in, and they will come across your web site onrepparttar 116626 search engines results.

To learn how to write articles that are optimized forrepparttar 116627 search engines for better rankings, go to Article Optimization.

Niche marketing caters to a distinct and select group of people who need what you have to offer. If you define your niche properly and make sure that your ability to solve their problem is something that they will pay for, you will have established a "money maker".

Utilizerepparttar 116628 search engines to make it easy for your niche market to find your service or product. Niche marketing isrepparttar 116629 easiest way to be successful onrepparttar 116630 Internet if you dorepparttar 116631 proper research.

Be humble, work hard, work smart.

Karl Augustine

Author, "9 Deadly Mistakes To Avoid When Starting An Online Business" Publisher, "Starting Smart!" e-zine

Starting an online business

niche marketing

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