Set a positive tone

Written by Brenda Koritko

Continued from page 1

Always plan your closing statement, but if you determine duringrepparttar interview thatrepparttar 123564 organization is looking for information that was not provided in your resume focus on these points in your closing. You should also highlight these points inrepparttar 123565 thank you letter that you send torepparttar 123566 interviewer/s after your meeting. Plan to send a thank you letter within 24 hours ofrepparttar 123567 interview. Send a thank you letter or note even when you determine a position is not right for you. The interviewer/s may become a networking contact inrepparttar 123568 future, or they may consider you for a more appropriate position with their company.

As soon as possible afterrepparttar 123569 meeting, write your feelings and interpretations in a notebook for future reference, including a reminder to add or remove information from your resume. Respond to any requests made byrepparttar 123570 interviewer, for example, providing a copy of a certificate that they may require before making their final selection.

Candidates use interviews to gather first-hand information aboutrepparttar 123571 job and organization. This information will help you determine if this isrepparttar 123572 right opportunity atrepparttar 123573 right time. If you determine duringrepparttar 123574 interview that this is notrepparttar 123575 position for you, adviserepparttar 123576 interviewer in your closing comment. They will appreciate your honesty and will be more likely to consider you for future positions.

If you are interested inrepparttar 123577 position, thankrepparttar 123578 interviewer/s and express your appreciation. End on a positive and confident note by askingrepparttar 123579 key question: "What isrepparttar 123580 next step in your selection process?"

Brenda Koritko is the author of I Manage Me a timely ebook providing techniques to help you achieve your immediate career goals with benefits throughout your career. Secure rewarding opportunities with companies that are actually hiring. Click here to get more information

Signs Along the Road to Achievement

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

4. Buckle up for Safety

Evenrepparttar safest drivers will occasionally have a fender bender, or may get side-swiped. However, they don't let occasional accidents or setbacks deter them from moving ahead. When difficulties appear, they focus on finding creative solutions. They consider setbacks to be learning experiences. They wear a mental "seat belt" by having plans for these circumstances. They also take adequate measures to insure and protectrepparttar 123563 things they've worked to build. They assure future security for themselves and their loved ones.

5. Watchrepparttar 123564 Road Signs

"Load limit, falling rocks, go, stop, yield, curve ahead, caution, speed limit," or similar signs are familiar to almost everyone. Road signs also tell how close we are to our destination, when we need to change lanes, or make a turn. They tell when other vehicles may be merging into our lane. Winners pay attention to similar signs as they work to fulfill projects and goals.

Winners are not simply "pipe dreamers." They stay in touch withrepparttar 123565 reality of current circumstances to stay flexible, and measure progress. By watchingrepparttar 123566 signs, they can change course atrepparttar 123567 earliest possible moment if they have made a wrong turn. They userepparttar 123568 signs alongrepparttar 123569 road to achievement as tools for life-long learning and improvement.

Before ever leavingrepparttar 123570 driveway, we always know our intended destination, and reason for wanting to go there. However, trouble can occur in other areas when trying to move toward a vague notion of "success" without knowing exactly where that is. Defining a clear destination, and remembering these familiar driving precautions can help provide a safe and fulfilling journey to exciting new achievements.

© Copyright by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve coaches people to help them revitalize their inner spark, access their natural talents, and design strategies to reach their personal and career goals. Get Steve's motivational and inspirational mini-zine, Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, by visiting

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