Serving Christ

Written by Stephen Kingery

Continued from page 1

When we play golf, go bowling, and so forth we must also be selective. While it is not bad (in and of itself) to play golf, etc.,repparttar people we choose to play those game with can have a very negative effect on our lives. If those we choose to participate in these recreational activities are drinkers, gamblers, womanizers, and so forth, these attitudes will rub off on us. You knowrepparttar 140978 old saying, "Birds of a feather flock together."

Serving Christ With Our Talents

One ofrepparttar 140979 disappointments in life for me is that I cannot sing or play a musical instrument. I really wish that I could! Perhaps some day I'll be able to learn to do one or both of these. However, I do have other talents. So do you. The important thing is that you and I use what talents we do have to glorifyrepparttar 140980 Lord.

What better thing could we do with our talents than serverepparttar 140981 Lord? If singing is our talent, we should use it to glorify God through song during worship service or when ever we can. But if our talent lies elsewhere, we need to use it as well.

As for me, I do have some ability to write and speak. Therefore, I have this print ministry and I also do some preaching whenrepparttar 140982 opportunity arises. I can also teach and I use this ability as well to serve God.

But your talents may be in visitingrepparttar 140983 sick orrepparttar 140984 downhearted. You may be excellent in creating craft items thatrepparttar 140985 elderly or even children in Sunday School could work on. You may be able to provide meals to those who have lost a loved one or for special occasions at church. Your talent may be in arranging flowers forrepparttar 140986 church services. It may be in meeting and greeting people and inviting them to worship service.

Whatever your talent, use it to serve Christ. If we have a talent (and we all do) and we are not using that talent to serve Christ, then we are guilty of withholding from Him that which He has given to us. Remember, our talents are from God. We could do nothing if it were not for Him. And it is through Him that we can makerepparttar 140987 most of our talents and use them to glorify Jesus Christ.

Serving Christ With Our Finances

One ofrepparttar 140988 most touchy subjects isrepparttar 140989 one of serving Christ with our finances. Most people seem to really get offended when we begin to talk about giving torepparttar 140990 church. But, this is so important – not so much for Christ, but for us!

If we truly love Christ, then we will want to support His work. That means giving torepparttar 140991 church so thatrepparttar 140992 gospel can be preached and lost lives won for Christ. The local church simply cannot dorepparttar 140993 work necessary withoutrepparttar 140994 support of its people. We should want to see lost souls saved. The best way this can happen is forrepparttar 140995 local church to be thriving and seekingrepparttar 140996 lost inrepparttar 140997 community.

Another aspect ofrepparttar 140998 work ofrepparttar 140999 local church isrepparttar 141000 support of missionaries. Does your congregation have missionaries which it supports? It should, perhaps even must if it is to be a church which loves and follows Christ. The work of foreign missionaries is so very important. Remember that Christ toldrepparttar 141001 apostles to go into ALLrepparttar 141002 world and preachrepparttar 141003 gospel. We should do likewise. We can do likewise by supporting foreign missionaries individually and throughrepparttar 141004 local church.

While these are important,repparttar 141005 real reason to give of our finances is a matter of worship. By giving generously we show Christ that we love Him and want His work to be supported. Giving lip service to Christ may fool our fellow man, but it will not fool God.

Give Our Best To The Master

Choose this day whom you will serve! To serve Christ means to give Him our best. Give Himrepparttar 141006 best part of our lives, both in work and play. Give Himrepparttar 141007 best of our talents. Use what we have and develop new talents to worship and glorify Christ. And give of our best of our finances. Give a tithe and then a generous gift as well.

I likerepparttar 141008 old saying, "You can't out-give God." This is true in all three respects – our lives, our talents and our finances.

All Scriptures quoted are fromrepparttar 141009 New King James Version unless otherwise noted.

Stephen Kingery is an author, preacher, teacher and founder of The Home Bible Study Institute.

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Permission to use is granted if attributed to author and his website.

Seek First the Kingdom of God

Written by Stephen Kingery

Continued from page 1

There are other hindrances to seeking God. Unfortunately,repparttar society in which we live corrupts us. These corruptions keep us from seeking God. Some ofrepparttar 140977 more obvious corruptions are: television (violent or sexually oriented movies, soap operas, etc.), magazines, pleasure seeking, and materialism. Some less obvious may be work schedules, family duties, leadership (community, business, church) duties, etc. There are other things as well, it is not alwaysrepparttar 140978 same for each person. The point isrepparttar 140979 things we have to contend with in life corrupts our seeking God.

When I was growing up inrepparttar 140980 50's and early 60's, you never heard profanity on television. Now we see homosexuality, abortion, and extra-material affairs all promoted on television every week, not to mention a host of vulgar and profane language and violence beyond compare. These things are wrong and they corrupt our seeking God.

In all of this, however, there is good news. Jesus tells us inrepparttar 140981 sixth chapter of Matthew to "seek firstrepparttar 140982 kingdom of God." Then in chapter seven he says, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." (Matthew 7:7,8)

You may feel that you are so far away from a true relationship with God that it is impossible to seek and to find Him. But that just isn't true! If you are not a Christian, then you must seek God through giving your life to Jesus Christ. You must believe that Jesus isrepparttar 140983 Christ,repparttar 140984 Son ofrepparttar 140985 living God. You must repent of your sins, confess to your fellow man that you believe, and be baptized inrepparttar 140986 watery grave of baptism. Then you are ready for a life-long journey of seeking God.

If you are now a Christian, and haven't been living as close to God as you should, now isrepparttar 140987 time to start that journey. The Apostle John tells us in his first epistle, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9) Confess your unfaithfulness now, and start that life-long journey of constantly seeking and finding God.

Seeking and finding God is a wonderful experience. I've noticed in my life that when I truly seek God and His righteousness, I find Him. I am so excited and joyous that I seek Him more, then I find Him. That, in turn, makes me happy and I want to seek Him more, and then I find Him. The more I seek Him,repparttar 140988 more I find Him. Jesus told us in His word, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6) What a wonderful promise, to know that if we hunger and thirst for righteous-ness, that if we seek God, we will find Him.

Don't letrepparttar 140989 things of this world keep you from seeking and finding God. Jesus tells us in His word, "For what will it profit a man if he gainsrepparttar 140990 whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36) Don't letrepparttar 140991 world corrupt you and keep you from seeking God. Don't letrepparttar 140992 world cause you to lose you own soul.

I know that some teachrepparttar 140993 doctrine of "Once saved, always saved." But this is not whatrepparttar 140994 Bible teaches. We are all in danger of losing our soul if we do not seek God.

So remember brothers and sisters, "Seek firstrepparttar 140995 kingdom of God and His righteousness..." (Matthew 6:33)

Favorite Scriptures

I have many favorite scriptures that help me make it through this world and live each day in Christ Jesus. Here are just a few.

"For God so lovedrepparttar 140996 world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

"And if it seems evil to you to serverepparttar 140997 LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whetherrepparttar 140998 gods which your fathers served that were onrepparttar 140999 other side ofrepparttar 141000 River, orrepparttar 141001 gods ofrepparttar 141002 Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serverepparttar 141003 LORD." (Joshua 24:15)

All scriptures quoted are fromrepparttar 141004 New King James Version, unless otherwise noted.

Stephen Kingery is an author, preacher, teacher and founder of The Home Bible Study Institute.

Visit our site at

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