Sell what People are Buying

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

When I tell folks this, a common question I get back is this: 'Which opportunity isrepparttar best?' Here'srepparttar 119651 answer: They're ALL good. What makesrepparttar 119652 difference is YOU.

The most important thing in Internet marketing is avoiding what I call 'the square peg inrepparttar 119653 round hole' syndrome. That's what happens when people hear about an opportunity and then jump on it without any thought as to whether it isrepparttar 119654 *right* opportunity for them.

When I evaluate opportunities for myself one ofrepparttar 119655 first questions I ask is 'Is this a good fit?"

--- How to pickrepparttar 119656 Internet opportunity that's right for YOU

After you learnrepparttar 119657 Internet marketing ABCs,repparttar 119658 most profitable thing you can do for yourself is evaluaterepparttar 119659 three paths to success online and pickrepparttar 119660 one that's best for you. Ignorerepparttar 119661 noise fromrepparttar 119662 latest Internet 'fad ofrepparttar 119663 month' and focus on where YOU fit in best

If you've got brains and guts and you sincerely want to be more than just another member of the 'mediocre Internet marketing majority,' take the FREE Pre-System Training. After just a few lessons you'll see right away if the System is for you or not. The Pre-System Training is a course that stands on its own and over the years, it's helped a lot of people make a lot of money.

An Often Overlooked Secret of Selling.

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

'Easy' markets haverepparttar following three characteristics.

1)Easy to reach.

2) Have a burning 'need' for what you've got.

3) Have demonstrated through their past behavior, an ability and willingness to spend money onrepparttar 119650 kinds of things you plan to sell.

The closerrepparttar 119651 market you choose corresponds to this description,repparttar 119652 'easier' your life will be.

The wrong way. Many entrepreneurs - beginners *and* experienced – get tripped up here. They create a product that they're surerepparttar 119653 world will love. Or they hear thatrepparttar 119654 Internet is a great marketing medium so invest in creating a super web site.

Both these approaches remind me ofrepparttar 119655 old expression 'puttingrepparttar 119656 cart beforerepparttar 119657 horse.' The fanciest 'cart' on earth -repparttar 119658 best product,repparttar 119659 slickest web marketing campaign - won't get you anywhere without a good 'horse' to pull it. In contrast, withrepparttar 119660 right horse, you don't have to worry too much aboutrepparttar 119661 cart. Nature will take care of itself.

Richard Sears who startedrepparttar 119662 famous Sears catalog and single-handedly kick-startedrepparttar 119663 direct marketing and mail order industry over 100 years ago put it this way to a colleague once: "If it'srepparttar 119664 right offer torepparttar 119665 right person atrepparttar 119666 right time, I can write it onrepparttar 119667 back of an old paper bag in crayon and it will sell."

That's how important pickingrepparttar 119668 right market is. Now I'm not suggesting that you do your advertising onrepparttar 119669 back of old paper bags in crayon, but I am suggesting that you radically change your FOCUS.

By all means, continue to study marketing, but - starting right now, today - resolve to put at least half or more of your entrepreneurial time and energy into studying specific MARKETS. And while you're at it, look for 'easy' markets which means:

Groups of people who you can easily reach...who have a burning 'need' for what you sell...and who have already demonstratedrepparttar 119670 willingness and ability to buyrepparttar 119671 kinds of things you plan to sell to them.

I call it 'shooting fish in a barrel' marketing.

If you've got brains and guts and you sincerely want to be more than just another member of the 'mediocre Internet marketing majority,' take the FREE Pre-System Training. After just a few lessons you'll see right away if the System is for you or not. The Pre-System Training is a course that stands on its own and over the years, it's helped a lot of people make a lot of money.

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