Sell More By Showing Consequences

Written by Ray L. Edwards

Continued from page 1

Copy: "The Maxpro garden tool will cut your hedges in halfrepparttar time ofrepparttar 108047 leading garden tool." [So What?] You will spend less time cutting your hedges. [So what?] Now you'll have more time admiring your hedge fences rather than cutting them. [So what?] That's less time working inrepparttar 108048 garden and more time to spend with your family. [So what?] Sharper hedges and a happier family.

You can see when we applyrepparttar 108049 "So what?" rule then it forces us to follow through to showingrepparttar 108050 real benefit thatrepparttar 108051 customer is after-a happier home life.

You cannot assume that your customer will makerepparttar 108052 connection either. Of course everybody wants more money but not many people can connect that money torepparttar 108053 deepest needs of their soul. That's your job asrepparttar 108054 marketer. There are many people with lots of money who still live unfulfilled lives.

Now we started this article by saying that people are more motivated by fear of loss thanrepparttar 108055 desire for gain. This means that we have to also showrepparttar 108056 consequences of not getting our product.

Returning to our fictitious garden tool we can show howrepparttar 108057 prospect who refuses to buy our tool will continue to cut hedgesrepparttar 108058 'old way', spending a lot of time inrepparttar 108059 hot sun and still not gettingrepparttar 108060 sharp edges that our new tool will bring. We can show how much more hours they'll spend per year cutting hedges compared to usingrepparttar 108061 Maxpro hedger. And this brings us to another point of quantifying consequences.

There are few marketers today who uses this powerful tool; that of quantifying their product benefits. Using this simple strategy will helprepparttar 108062 prospect to visualize what your product can do for them.

For example, we could show that a well-kept hedge may require cutting 3 times per month or 12 X 3 = 36 times per year. Ifrepparttar 108063 Maxpro hedger saved you 1 hour per cut then that's 36 hours per year. Now if your time is worth $20 per hour to you then that's $720 per year. Compare torepparttar 108064 cost torepparttar 108065 Maxpro which is only $199, using any other hedger will be really throwing your money away.

Notice that instead of showingrepparttar 108066 money they will save by usingrepparttar 108067 Maxpro we are now showing what they will lose if they don't get it!

If you try to show final consequences and show not only what is gained by having your product or service but what is lost by not makingrepparttar 108068 purchase you'll make more sales.

And more sales in your business means … [consequences go here!]

Always show final consequences if you want to make more sales.

Ray L. Edwards is a published author, copywriter and internet marketing consultant. He has made tens of thousands of dollars for his copywriting clients. Being an online marketer himself, he understands what it takes to sell online and welcomes your inquiry about his master copywriting service.

10 Ways To Start An Internet Salesletter

Written by Ray L. Edwards

Continued from page 1

7. Offer a free report

This will work best with higher ticket items. In this case you wantrepparttar prospects to send forrepparttar 108046 "special report" that will further sell them on your product or service. The report must not be pitched as a salesletter but as providing genuine information thatrepparttar 108047 reader can benefit from

8. Pinpointrepparttar 108048 reader's problem

Most products or services provide a solution to a problem. You can therefore startrepparttar 108049 letter by statingrepparttar 108050 problem that your product solves. This will immediately qualifyrepparttar 108051 reader and provide a logical transition forrepparttar 108052 letter in explaining howrepparttar 108053 product solvesrepparttar 108054 problem inrepparttar 108055 next section.

9. State your strongest benefit

If your strongest benefit has a real striking appeal to your prospect then you may start by stating this benefit upfront. This benefit must reach out torepparttar 108056 reader's self-interest and go beyond just addressing a feature of your product. Copywriters commonly refer to this as sellingrepparttar 108057 sizzle and notrepparttar 108058 steak. Just think about it, if your strongest value you are offeringrepparttar 108059 reader doesn't capture his interest thenrepparttar 108060 others will fail also.

10. Offer some 'secret', privileged information

You can make an offer that is not open torepparttar 108061 'general public' but only to a select few. This will work well with your present customer base who may receive this announcement ahead of other people. The point here is thatrepparttar 108062 reader feels special because they are gettingrepparttar 108063 'inside deal'. This will also work well with any select group such as new subscribers, repeat buyers or any group you care to 'invent'.

This list is not exhaustive but shows those techniques that I find most effective as I create salescopy for my online clients. If you fail to grabrepparttar 108064 reader's attention in those precious few opening seconds thenrepparttar 108065 entire battle is lost. The majority of online readers simply scan before they choose to readrepparttar 108066 entire letter. Ifrepparttar 108067 start ofrepparttar 108068 letter doesn't capture their attention then they are lost for good.

Sometimesrepparttar 108069 conversion rate for a website can be drastically increased by just changingrepparttar 108070 opening paragraph forrepparttar 108071 copy. Use anyone of these ten techniques to boost your online sales.

Ray L. Edwards is a published author, copywriter and internet marketing consultant. He has made tens of thousands of dollars for his copywriting clients. Being an online marketer himself,he understands what it takes to sell online and welcomes your inquiry about his master copywriting service.

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