Sell More Books With a Powerful Back Cover

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

4. Mistake: Omitting testimonials.

Solutions: Testimonials sell more books than any other information onrepparttar back cover. Put three or four up. Contact a variety of people. Use one from a top professional in your field, one from a satisfied reader, one from a celebrity who cares about your topic, and one from a famous media person.

In her book, "A Kick in Your Inspiration", Ruth Cleveland got one testimonial from an exconvict!

Jacqueline Marcell, author of "Elder Rage," took eight months to get forty testimonials from celebrities. Her book is endorsed by: Steve Allen, Ed Asner, Dr. Dean Edell, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Nancy Snyderman/ABC, Regis Philbin. Jacqueline Bisset, and Phyllis Diller it was worthrepparttar 127221 effort, because in April, 2001, she maderepparttar 127222 cover ofrepparttar 127223 AARP Bulletin distributed to over 35 million readers. It included a feature story, some how-tos and contacts and large pictures ofrepparttar 127224 author and her book. She had to dance fast, and order 10,000 books to get distributed byrepparttar 127225 timerepparttar 127226 piece came out. After it came out, she was inundated with speaking engagements. There's a problem you might love to have!

After you write several books and become rich and famous, you, like other professionals, will fill your back cover with testimonials. You won't even need to add benefits, because people have already bought your other books and liked them. Potential buyers will purchase when they see people they trust and know recommendrepparttar 127227 book. Besides fillingrepparttar 127228 back cover with testimonials, you may want to even add extra testimonials inrepparttar 127229 front pages ofrepparttar 127230 book. The more testimonials,repparttar 127231 better! for more information, contactrepparttar 127232 book coach.

5. Mistake. Independent publishers submitting galleys to reviewers, distributors, and wholesales without ANY back cover information.

Solutions:People who may helprepparttar 127233 author wantrepparttar 127234 back cover! Makerepparttar 127235 back cover your first area of concern, "says Susan Howard, Director of Consulting Services at top publishingfirm, The Jenkins Group Inc., who write "The Publishing Connection" She adds, "Waiting for testimonials is generallyrepparttar 127236 reasonrepparttar 127237 back cover of a galley is left blank. Failure to realizerepparttar 127238 value ofrepparttar 127239 back cover seems to equate withrepparttar 127240 failure to realize thatrepparttar 127241 text forrepparttar 127242 finished back cover can always be changed beforerepparttar 127243 printing ofrepparttar 127244 book."

It's important for writers to "market while they write"-- To make each part of their book sell copies. Your book's back cover is all- important.

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online" Send an email to FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Ph:619/466/0622

Sell More Books With Your Sparkling Introduction

Written by Judy Cullins

Continued from page 1

4. The format. Every non-fiction book needs a format, giving your audience an idea of what they will experience ahead. They have already looked atrepparttar Table of Contents that gives them a general, format and direction. In your introduction you need to say what will happen inrepparttar 127220 coming chapters. Format includesrepparttar 127221 features of your book such as poetry, tips, how to's..

Usually there is an order. For instance in a book called "Passion at Any Age," I opened each chapter with an outstanding quote illustratingrepparttar 127222 chapter's focus. In each chapter I offered a short introduction, an individual's story to illustrate my main point.

Just mentionrepparttar 127223 purpose of your book and how your reader can look forward to great information coming.

5. The last sentence. Invite your reader intorepparttar 127224 text of your book. Entice them once again with an enthusiastic "read on." For example in one of my writing books I used this last line, "You've been waiting too long to share your unique message that will make a difference in people's lives. Read on and apply allrepparttar 127225 simple steps I give to make you a successful author."

Now that you've written a sparkling introduction you have helped your potential buyer decide to buy.

Judy Cullins: 20-year author, speaker, book coach Helps entrepreneurs manifest their book and web dreams eBk: "Ten Non-techie Ways to Market Online" Send an email to FREE The Book Coach Says... includes 2 free eReports Ph:619/466/0622

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