Self Hypnosis Cds - Whisper Subliminals

Written by Steven A. Harold

Continued from page 1

The whisper subliminal recording can be played at anytime, including while driving, reading or watching television. The beneficial influence is apparent immediately." Duncan McColl

The great benefit of a Whisper Subliminal recording is that you do not have to take time out to listen to it. You can just have it playing inrepparttar background and becauserepparttar 141968 sound is turned down to below audibility it does not interfere with anything else you might be doing or concentrating on. It is a truly unique concept and a great asset torepparttar 141969 person who wants to change but finds they have no time to do so.

On many ofrepparttar 141970 Self Hypnosis cds authored by Duncan there is a Whisper Subliminal track to add torepparttar 141971 choice ofrepparttar 141972 listener

Clinical Hypnotherapist

What L Glutamine Powder Can Do For You

Written by K. Perry

Continued from page 1

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is one of l glutamine's important functions. L glutamine powder meetsrepparttar high-energy requirements ofrepparttar 141944 intestines and l glutamine powder plays an important role in these necessary functions.

Large levels of l glutamine are also found in immune cells and skeletal muscle. Large concentrations of l glutamine are stored in muscles and manufactured inrepparttar 141945 lungs. Withinrepparttar 141946 body, l glutamine sends extremely valuable nitrogen to areas that need and request it. Because l glutamine can serve as a precursor to glycogen production, l glutamine helps keep energy levels stable and efficient. Clinical tests involving l glutamine report an improvement inrepparttar 141947 electrical patterns ofrepparttar 141948 brain occurring in test subjects who used l glutomine powder.

Cancer research shows that many cancer patients have extremely low levels of l glutamine. This lack of l glutamine puts these patients at risk of impaired immune function, which they scarcely need. Some researchers have indicated that these patients might benefit from glutamine powder supplements, when so advised by their physician.

L glutamine, as an addition to conventional cancer treatment, is often used to combatrepparttar 141949 effects of radiation and chemotherapy. These abilities of l glutamine powder aids malnourished cancer patients and l glutamine powder generally helps with an increased resistance to infection and illness.

Research on l glutamine shows that people with advanced stages of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) might be aided when battling with extreme weight loss. Ongoing research indicates that l glutamine, when combined with other important vitamins and minerals, might be helpful in reducing weigh loss in these patients.

L glutamine plays many important roles inrepparttar 141950 body and research proves that glutamine powder is necessary for maintaining excellent health and physical strength.

L Glutamine Resources

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