Self Hypnosis Cds - Relief from Stress CD

Written by Steven A. Harold

Continued from page 1

So it is not necessarily what happens on our world that causes us to have an issue or stress, most often it can berepparttar way we perceive a situation and ultimately how e process that situation and store it away as a memory.

As you know, some memories just give us a neutral feeling, or no feeling at all when we think about them. An example would be writing a note or driving torepparttar 143500 shops for most people. When you think about that memory of driving torepparttar 143501 shops or writing that note, it does not bring up any strong feelings.

Thinking about a memory of being laughed at by your whole class when in senior school can bring with it a decidedly uncomfortable feeling. Onrepparttar 143502 other hand,repparttar 143503 memory winning that egg and spoon race when you were only 3 years old can bring happy and carefree feelings.

Changingrepparttar 143504 way we think about past and what appear to be negative events can give us a sense of release and prevent us subconsciously sabotaging future opportunities. Coupled with a relaxation regime such as listening regularly to a self-hypnosis cd can really pay dividends. After all once you have learntrepparttar 143505 lesson ofrepparttar 143506 past event (which might be to make sure you prepare for a speech) why do you have to carryrepparttar 143507 unhelpful feelings around. There really is no need to be burdened anymore is there not?

Clinical Hypnotherapist

Home made body scrub

Written by Janice Wee

Continued from page 1

Pour in half a cup of sea salt and half a cup your chosen oil intorepparttar jar. Then add 10 drops of pure lavender essential oil. Stir well.

That's it. That is your lavender sea salt scrub.

Use your scrub inrepparttar 143499 shower, right after showering and rinsing off allrepparttar 143500 soap, apply this home made scrub all over your wet body. Massagerepparttar 143501 scrub into your skin to exfoliate and smoothen your skin. Then rinse offrepparttar 143502 scrub inrepparttar 143503 shower and pat dry with a towel.

The oil inrepparttar 143504 scrub leaves your skin soft, smooth and moist.

Getrepparttar 143505 full article at Make a body scrub from body store

The writer is the webmaster of body store

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