Self-Leadership: Your First Priority

Written by Marilyn Snyder

Continued from page 1

You are going to find out (or refresh your memory!) of what it talks for you to lead yourself to Wealth in all areas of your life – starting right now!


Knowingrepparttar OUTCOME of what you want to do or be in your life – will completely change your OUTLOOK when you come uponrepparttar 130141 obstacles that threaten to stop you in your tracks. You will look forrepparttar 130142 “HOW CAN I?” solverepparttar 130143 problem versusrepparttar 130144 automatic “I can’t” that so many people have. Your VISION will CHANGE your subconscious mind to look forrepparttar 130145 ways to reach your goals. You are programming your mind to seek outrepparttar 130146 opportunities andrepparttar 130147 answers to get you where you want to go.


SEE IT!BELIEVE IT!LIVE IT! Talk to you soon and create your vision now!

Marilyn Snyder 866-468-9325

Marilyn Snyder is a speaker, author, mentor. While being in sales for over 18 years, Marilyn was consistently honored for reaching sales goals and new business development goals. Today, as part of her Mastermind Power Coaching Program, Marilyn helps her clients take charge of their life to reach their goals and achieve their dreams. She takes them from saying “I wish I would have” to “I’m glad I did!”

Use EQ to Make Yourself a More Attractive Job Applicant

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Consultant

Continued from page 1

Ah! What’s EQ? Well, it’s what these hiring agents are talking about … this “appearance of confidence,” which, really, you can’t fake. When you’ve developed your Emotional Intelligence, you can radiate this qualityrepparttar hirers are talking about and looking for.

As Executive Coach Jeanette Kraar puts it, when advising on how to interview, “You can say whatever you want, but if your interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and overall body language doesn’t [sic] project a confident image – you won’t be taken seriously.”

Emotional Intelligence competencies include such qualities as Personal Power and Empathy, and are based on your ability to understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. Better known as “people skills,” it’s these ways of self- and other-management that make others want to be around you – which of course helps in you getrepparttar 130139 job, and then keep it.

Emotional Intelligence can give you a kind of aura, because ofrepparttar 130140 way emotions affect us, and those around us. You know how awful you feel around someone who’s negative, pessimistic, and whiny; or controlling, rigid and arrogant; or nervous, insecure and uptight. We call these people “tolerations” in coaching andrepparttar 130141 faster you can get them out of your life,repparttar 130142 better, yes?

Atrepparttar 130143 same time, you know how you feel around someone who radiates Good Things. These Good Things could be respect for you, love, good will, peace, joy, comfort, and other positive feelings. They have them within, and radiate them without.

“It’s stressful,” one of my EQ coaching clients said, “but EQ keeps me calm.”

So, if you don’t happen to be a member of The Lucky Gene Club, and could use a boost inrepparttar 130144 job hunt department (or evidentlyrepparttar 130145 hospital, classroom or justice system), instead of rushing out forrepparttar 130146 Million Dollar Makeover, why not try developing your Emotional Intelligence.

And even if you are employed, and are attractive, give it a try. Research is showing EQ is more important to our health, happiness and success than IQ, and matters morerepparttar 130147 higher up you go in your field. Give your career and relationships a boost. Raise your EQ!

©Susan Dunn, MA, Emotional Intelligence Coach and Consultant, . Coaching, consulting, business program, Internet courses, teleclasses and ebooks around Emotional Intelligence. for FREE ezine; put “ezine” for subject. I train and certify EQ coaches. Email for info.

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