Self-Judgment is sabotaging your professional efforts learn how to

Written by Connie Butler

Continued from page 1

One ofrepparttar things that self-judgment accomplishes is to keep you in a very old internal relationship. Becauserepparttar 128946 basis of most of these judgments is in childhood- when we were told how to behave, when a look made us feel there was something wrong with us and we better adjust ourselves quickly, when we learnedrepparttar 128947 standards that were expected of us, when we felt awkward and incapable – when these arise again we are energetically back in that situation and robbed of our power. Sorepparttar 128948 thrust of work with self-judgment is to finally cut that relationship – to bringrepparttar 128949 support for yourself back home to you and not resident in a list of rules and regulations spoken or unspoken that told you who you were supposed to be.

In working with clients I have come up with an acronym that covers 5 ofrepparttar 128950 basic strategies of dis-engagement. The acronym is SPACE because that is what occurs when you are successful at stopping self-judgment – you have SPACE just to be who you are, SPACE to develop yourself, your real talents and what it is you want to do inrepparttar 128951 world.

STRENGTH: Access your natural indignation when you recognize how damaging self-judgment is andrepparttar 128952 toll it takes on your life and your aliveness. Use this STRENGTH to literally tellrepparttar 128953 judgment to stop.

PLAY: When a self-judgment arises you can use humor to disarm it i.e. you can say torepparttar 128954 judgment “Yeah right I amrepparttar 128955 stupidest person inrepparttar 128956 whole area.” or “I only let bullies say that to me. Be absurd about it so there is nowhere forrepparttar 128957 judgment to stick. Be like teflon not fly-paper.

AWARENESS: Use a sensing exercise to keep you present as self-judgment always accessesrepparttar 128958 past or future. The more you are inrepparttar 128959 presentrepparttar 128960 less a judgment can arise. Noticerepparttar 128961 many ways in which self-judgment comes up and noticerepparttar 128962 immense toll it takes on your aliveness, your creativity, and your joy. When you are feeling particularly tried, deflated, fearful, or anxious – look around and notice if there has been a self-judgment and find away to desist from it.

COMPASSION: Let yourself really be aware ofrepparttar 128963 pain that self-judgment creates in you and how it sets up situations that supportrepparttar 128964 belief ofrepparttar 128965 self-judgment. Notice it in others and how it damages them. Allow this recognition to bring up your natural compassion for anyone in pain and use it to support your determination to stop engaging in internal attacks.

ENVISION: Allow yourself to imagine what your life and you would be like if judgment were never around. Feelrepparttar 128966 deep safety and support of that, feelrepparttar 128967 aliveness that is present. Nourish yourself with this feeling and know that this is what you are creating in your life.

When you have successfully dis-engaged you can feel an energetic shift. You feel strong, intact, inrepparttar 128968 moment and accepting of yourself- you feel freer. I believe this are of work is one ofrepparttar 128969 most important in developing satisfaction in your business and in your personal life. I have only skimmedrepparttar 128970 surface in this short article. I invite you to attend a workshop or teleclass that will develop your skill in working with this issue.

If you live inrepparttar 128971 Miami area. The workshop will be Saturday, February 26th , 10am-2pm. Click here for details. For those not inrepparttar 128972 area I will be offering it as a teleclass. A teleclass is a class conducted overrepparttar 128973 phone. I reserve a bridge line which allows many people to call intorepparttar 128974 same number. On this group call, I guiderepparttar 128975 students throughrepparttar 128976 material and exercises. Our teleclass will be limited to three 60-minute calls. The dates are: Wednesday, February 23rd at 8pm EST Wednesday, March 2nd at 8pm EST Wednesday March 9th at 8pm EST Click here for more details

“Feelrepparttar 128977 truth of what you are and atrepparttar 128978 same moment act. Risk yourself for what you know is right and true.”

Fredrick Douglas, escaped slave from an Independence Day speech

Connie Butler is a personal and professional coach working with individuals and groups to clarify their greatest vision and cultivate its successful realization moving them past their growth frontier into new territory. She is available for personal or professional coaching, seminars and can be reached at 305-534-1119 or Ms. Butler is an international coach, published author and radio personality.

Misery Can Eat You Alive

Written by Laurie Hayes

Continued from page 1

While working a Tuesday afternoon shift, she booked off duty early and went home because she had a small bruise on her leg that was causing her intense pain.

Later that same evening, she was admitted torepparttar hospital and diagnosed with flesh eating disease.

Wednesday her leg was operated on and it was learned thatrepparttar 128943 disease had spread into her other leg and abdomen.

Thursday she was given her last rights.

When I heard of this series of events, I was shocked and saddened. I listened to others saying, "How could this happen? She's young and so healthy."

I couldn't help but think to myself that her thoughts and negative feelings might have finally manifested themselves through her physically. Somehow I was not so surprised anymore byrepparttar 128944 terrible news.

She remained in Intensive Care for many months and even though she was not expected to live more than four days from her diagnosis, she remains with us today.

She has very little left of her legs, endured numerous operations on several organs, and spent many months in physical, mental, spiritual and emotional agony. Many months passed before she was able to see her two young children.

I often think of her when I am inclined to react to certain situations in a negative way, or when I am tempted to fall into a negative pattern of complaining or criticizing.

One ofrepparttar 128945 great powers we have isrepparttar 128946 power to choose, and when I’m faced withrepparttar 128947 choice of complaining or makingrepparttar 128948 best of a situation, I takerepparttar 128949 high road.

Do I do it consistently? Not always. After all, I am human and do make mistakes. But, every day I continue to strive to be better than I used to be.

What can you do today to create a more positive outlook on life?

Laurie Hayes is a Life Strategy Coach and author of several articles and an e-book designed to promote excitement and inspire action in others to pursue the best life has to offer. To receive a copy of her free e-book, "10 Guidelines for Attraction," visit

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