Self-Development Through Asking "Why?"

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

Continued from page 1

To harnessrepparttar power of our deeds and actions, we must first takerepparttar 128733 time to focus on what it is that we would like to accomplish. We must askrepparttar 128734 important questions that will allow us to discipline ourselves to acting with purpose and not impulse. Questions like: "What do we want our life to be like and about?" and "What is important and what needs to be illuminated?" will help to answerrepparttar 128735 primary question of "why?"

Why are we doing these things? What, if anything, are we working toward, or is this just another distraction or another attempt to avoidrepparttar 128736 unpleasant? The following is a list of "why" questions that can be used to determine whether an action is worth doing inrepparttar 128737 scheme of things:

  • Why am I doing this?

  • Why is that important?

  • Why is that important? (This is not a duplication but a clarification ofrepparttar 128738 last answer!)

  • Why do I give in to avoid unpleasant responses from others even when I don't think this is beneficial or productive?

  • Why don't I act when I know it isrepparttar 128739 right thing to do or is something that must be done to producerepparttar 128740 results I need?

  • Why do I fill my days with activities that do not contribute torepparttar 128741 accomplishment of goals, conditions and results that I say and believe are important?

  • Why do I choose inactivity (laziness and procrastination) when there are things that should be done to bring me closer to accomplishing my goals?

This is a partial list and I'm sure that you can, and have thought (and possibly asked yourself) of many others like them. The point here is not to discuss acting out ofrepparttar 128742 mindset that says, "when you're unsure of what to do, do something." But, to maintain a constant focus onrepparttar 128743 purpose for acting. In fact, if you were to refer to your life purpose process andrepparttar 128744 lists you created to establishrepparttar 128745 "why" for acting, you will seerepparttar 128746 difference. Remember, anything done that is in alignment with our life purpose is whatrepparttar 128747 Ninja -repparttar 128748 Enlightened Warrior engaging with his or her world - sees as an Enlightened Action. And, anything that does not contribute to our life purpose - to creatingrepparttar 128749 life we want to be living - is a distraction.


Jeffrey M. Miller is the founder and master instructor of Warrior Concepts International. He specializes in teaching the ancient ways of self-protection and personal development lessons in a way that is easily understood and put to use by modern Western students and corporate clients. To learn more visit his website at

The Power of Belief - The Martial Artist's Student Creed

Written by Jeffrey M. Miller

Continued from page 1

We must remember that, if we are to change who we are and what we are capable of doing, we must first convince ourselves and no one else that it is possible. For many of us, this task is not an easy one as years of habit-based actions and preprogrammed conditioning have taken it's toll on who and what we think we are. We must remember that we are today,repparttar sum result of all that we have learned, experienced and, yes, believed inrepparttar 128731 past.

The reciting ofrepparttar 128732 Student Creed is a tool for reminding ourselves - for reprogramming our subconscious, habitual thought processes - in a way that creates new habits conducive to producingrepparttar 128733 results we are after.

As stated by John Mills, "One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety-nine who have only interests." The question is, are we merely 'interested' in changing to becomerepparttar 128734 person we say we want to be, or do we desirerepparttar 128735 benefits of having attained our goal - we feel it in our very heart and soul - we believe in ourselves, our plan of accomplishment and our willingness to do what must be done - so much, that it literally moves us at our very core?

The true test of gainingrepparttar 128736 results we seek is in our response torepparttar 128737 statements themselves. We may be able to convince others - for a while - that we speak fromrepparttar 128738 truth, but we will never be able to lie to ourselves. Eventually, we will drop our guard or conveniently 'forget'repparttar 128739 path we're on andrepparttar 128740 promises we made to ourself and revert back torepparttar 128741 same lazy, sleep-walk' living that wasrepparttar 128742 'us' before we began training.

Ask yourself these questions:

A. "When I reciterepparttar 128743 Student Creed, does it move me?" (Do you get chills, a welling in your chest or an empowered feeling or do you feel like you're recitingrepparttar 128744 Pledge of Allegiance from school?)

B. Do I have to think aboutrepparttar 128745 Creed when reciting it or is it so natural to me that I haverepparttar 128746 feeling, "of course this is true?"

Throughrepparttar 128747 power of belief,repparttar 128748 true, heartfelt drive to becomerepparttar 128749 words we are speaking,repparttar 128750 Student Creed takes on a life and power capable of transforming you intorepparttar 128751 confident, successful, disciplined, respectful and proactive person you were meant to be.

Go for it!

Jeffrey M. Miller is the founder and master instructor of Warrior Concepts International. He specializes in teaching the ancient ways of self-protection and personal development lessons in a way that is easily understood and put to use by modern Western students and corporate clients. To learn more, visit his website at

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