Seeing the World from Where Others Are StandingWritten by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer
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* Developing an emphatic attitude means listening, really listening, to what our neighbors, friends, customers, co-workers, and employees are saying. And it means trying to feel as they feel. It’s like song says, “Walk a mile in my shoes.” To help you get into their frame of mind, imagine yourself in their limited experience and highly dependent situation. This will enormously increase your satisfaction and enjoyment of living and, at same time, make you much more attractive to others as they recognize your sincere attempts to understand them and help them with meaningful solutions. We all need strong egos to cope successfully with our world, but we need empathy, too. We must get into other person's shoes and see world from where he is standing. Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: "... helping you maximize your potential." Reach him at, at, or at 502-386-1175.
| | Sharpening Your Presentation SkillsWritten by Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer
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* Back your main points with examples, statistics, or facts. * Design simple, yet convincing visuals that your audience can understand and interpret quickly. * End with a strong conclusion that invites your audience to take immediate action or seek follow-up. * Handle questions openly and honestly, admitting when you don't have an answer, but, at same time, promising to get back to your audience, or individual, when you do. Follow these tips, and I guarantee that you'll see progress in your presentations skills that will lead to successful outcomes. Remember: When you maximize your potential, everyone wins. hen you don't, we all lose. Note: Be sure to order my companion Special Reports entitled Creating Winning Presentations and Developing Successful Meetings.
Etienne A. Gibbs, MSW, Management Consultant and Trainer, conducts seminars, lectures, and writes articles on his theme: "... helping you maximize your potential." For more information visit, or email him at