Seeing Ghosts

Written by Dale Power

Continued from page 1

Alternatively you can “see” most ofrepparttar same things with your eyes closed! This is likely becauserepparttar 122107 ability to see ghosts is not a visual process but one that overlapsrepparttar 122108 visual field inrepparttar 122109 brain. It seems visual, but that is just because ofrepparttar 122110 wayrepparttar 122111 mind interprets data.

Close you eyes and keep your mind as clear as possible. Focus your attention ahead of you, much as if you were looking with your physical eyes. This helps most people concentrate, as it is a part of their normal functioning patterns. After a few moments you will likely notice movement inrepparttar 122112 room around you. It is not uncommon to be able to senserepparttar 122113 room andrepparttar 122114 people in it, in a fashion that leaves ghostly images in your mind.

By moving your head slowly from side to side you will be able to sense anything inrepparttar 122115 room that is holding still as well. Experience will show that movement is part of this basic sense. Either in what you are looking at or in yourself.

With a bit of practice with either or both methods you will begin to notice forms moving throughrepparttar 122116 space you are looking at. Some will ignore you no matter what you do, but many take your attention as a sign that they should try to interact with you! If you respond in a kind and gentle manner, you will find that you can open up communication with some of them.

Communicating with ghosts. Ghosts will often try to communicate in several ways, they will gesture, mouth words, generated words using ambient sounds and communicate on a telepathic level. By paying attention to what they do and say you can often get very clear pictures of what it is they wish to tell you. It takes no special skill, being more like talking with a small child that does not speak yet, but will manage to make their need known regardless, than some supernatural ability.

If you keep you mind very clear, you will be able to pick uprepparttar 122117 impressions thatrepparttar 122118 ghosts or entity is trying to send you. Remember that even though some entities will try to frighten you, they have no real power over you. In fact you are far more powerful, having a body to generate useful energy to performrepparttar 122119 task at hand, as well as havingrepparttar 122120 ability to use environmental energy like they do. Don’t let them intimidate you. This isrepparttar 122121 main reason for being well shielded atrepparttar 122122 beginning of this adventure. Not so much for protection, as you mainly won’t need it, but to prevent fear from entering you mind.

Most ghosts have simple messages they wish to share. They do not have, generally speaking,repparttar 122123 complexity we see in living people. To send a message that they can understand, simply holdrepparttar 122124 concept,repparttar 122125 impression, you wish them to receive, in your mind. Given a clear and focused impression, they will likely come to understand you in just a few moments!

Some words of warning before you start. Just as cool free offers spread by word of mouth onrepparttar 122126 internet, so to will word of your efforts get past to ghosts that wish to talk to someone. After a few days of regular practice communicating with ghosts, hundreds or even thousands may appear, all vying for your attention!

This can seem overwhelming at first, to sayrepparttar 122127 least! Remember though, that you can shield your person or home to keep them out, even specific rooms in your house, such asrepparttar 122128 bathroom, or you can simply ignore them.

If you go back to being boring, by not talking to them, they will rapidly seek entertainment elsewhere! Give them no attention for a week and all butrepparttar 122129 most dedicated will be gone.

You can often get away with speaking to one or two without drawingrepparttar 122130 huge crowds, but much more than that may call more of them to your location than you wish!

With a little work, you can experience many ofrepparttar 122131 same things thatrepparttar 122132 top mediums have reported throughrepparttar 122133 ages, in a safe and non-threatening way! Followrepparttar 122134 basic steps and have fun!

Dale Power is a psychic healer, researcher and educator that has been focusing on ways to improve psychic functioning in humans for the last twenty years. Go to: to find out more about the work being done.

Interpreting Tarot Cards - Part 2

Written by Maria Svensson

Continued from page 1

Next up isrepparttar Hermit, an image familiar to most of us. The Hermit can mean you need space, or time by yourself away fromrepparttar 122106 distractions of everyday life. If your life is manic right now, he can imply a need to 'center' yourself, and provide a solid core on which your life can revolve. In a more obvious sense, he can be a warning that you should pull back from whatever it is you are pushing at. On a higher level,repparttar 122107 Hermit means searching for deeper truths, andrepparttar 122108 education of others in those truths.

The last tarot card we will look at this time at isrepparttar 122109 Wheel of Fortune. As one ofrepparttar 122110 few tarot cards without a human illustration,repparttar 122111 Wheel of Fortune is aboverepparttar 122112 level of human kind and stands for visions or unexpected clarity, realization. The card may be alerting you torepparttar 122113 possibility that by taking a broader perspective, you may suddenly grasprepparttar 122114 big picture you have been struggling to find. It also represents twists of fate, and unexpected developments. As a wheel,repparttar 122115 card symbolizesrepparttar 122116 circularity of all things, andrepparttar 122117 knowledge that what goes around, comes around too.

Next week we will look atrepparttar 122118 11th tarot card, Justice.

Maria reads the cards for free at the web's best free site for answers to your psychic questions.

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