
Written by Mary Wilkey

Continued from page 1

Keep in mind that this "farmer" started from scratch. He first picked out his farm. Then he had to dorepparttar "back-breaking" work of plowing it up and plantingrepparttar 121645 seeds of allrepparttar 121646 crops he wished to harvest. Getting everything started (setting everything up) wasrepparttar 121647 hardest part, like everything else in life.

Once he got a rhythm going, all he did was to water, cultivate, fertilize, and weed on a regular schedule. And he got a good harvest. But note that he didn’t plant his seeds one day and expect that harvestrepparttar 121648 next. He realized that it would take a minimum of ninety days, depending onrepparttar 121649 crop he planted. The more bountiful crops take more time.

He also realized that he could start as many farms as he had time to tend, or as he could hire others to tend (in which case he would share-crop), so that his potential harvests matched his efforts.

Asrepparttar 121650 Bible so clearly points out, there is a time and a season to everything . . . a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted . . . Ecclesiastes 3:2-8

Once again, another success lesson fromrepparttar 121651 Lord Himself!

Feel free to reprint the above article with this info intact: Article penned by Mary Wilkey, publisher of 'elf Expressions Ezine: To subscribe, email

Choose Your Own Economy

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

Here's a valid concern. What if you feel your sales will suffer ifrepparttar world falls into this media-made gulch? The solution is simple - get creative!

Case in point. During my drycleaning days I not only survived but ended up thriving through two recessions (in Canada, these were really depressions) by simply putting a promotional spin onrepparttar 121644 economic climate that benefited my company, employees and most importantly, my customers. What did I do? I promotedrepparttar 121645 fact that is was a lot cheaper to clean their existing clothes than to replace them during these highly inflationary times. I recall usingrepparttar 121646 slogan "refresh, don't replace". And it worked! What was sad though is that throughout these tough times many of my competitors went out of business simply because they did not get creative.

It is almost unthinkable to me thatrepparttar 121647 media today hasrepparttar 121648 power to createrepparttar 121649 ruined economy it is predicting. And if it does, then I, you, and everyone else with a cyber-business might just have to create inventive ways to compensate forrepparttar 121650 negative atmosphere that has only just started to infectrepparttar 121651 general public.

My advice to you is simple. Turn offrepparttar 121652 news, forget aboutrepparttar 121653 stock market and focus on *just* what you can control - your life and your business. If ratings-hungry reporters continue to fill 'slow news days' with doomsaying rants, let it rain, let it rain, let it rain. No downward sloping graph or forecasters cry of pending disaster should keep you from keeping your eyes onrepparttar 121654 screen and hand on your mouse buildingrepparttar 121655 Internet business you've always dreamed about! Don't let them have that power!

Bottom line: you can either be part ofrepparttar 121656 Economic Downturn or you can Choose Your Own Economy!

Rick is the author of 3 top-selling eBooks at: and the purveyor of those amazing traveling billboards called I.D. IT! Plates:

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