Secrets of a 6-Figure Freelance Writer

Written by Nick Usborne

Continued from page 1

What if you end up with too many leads and too much work? Go whererepparttar money is! Stop working for clients that take up too much of your time and pay too little in return, and start working for clients who pay you more.

>> Secret #3: Work Efficiently

Working on your own can lead to lazy work habits that you'd never get away with if you were employed by a company. Remember, if you want to earn a 6-figure income, you need to be earning money every day.

The most important thing is to organize your day. Set your hours and put aside blocks of time for writing, promotion, administration etc. You may want to use some kind of program or system for scheduling tasks byrepparttar 100386 day, week and month.

Be tough on yourself. Set your schedule and stick to it.

>> Secret #4: Set Goals

If you don't know what you're aiming for, it's really tough to get there! Far better that you set some goals. Again, set weekly goals, monthly goals and yearly goals.

How high should you aim? Stretch yourself, but be realistic. In other words, set goals that will challenge you and make you work hard, but don't set goals that are so ambitious you are almost bound to fail. When you do that, you'll simply become discouraged.

>> Concluding thoughts...

Does $100,000 a year sound too ambitious? I hope not. Thousands of freelance writers have brokenrepparttar 100387 6-figure barrier. With some determination and a clear set of goals, it's very achievable.

For a great deal more information on this subject, be sure to visit my site,

Nick Usborne is a freelance writer, author and speaker. For more articles and resources on making money as a freelance writer, visit his site,

How to Easily Turn Your Time Into Money!

Written by Daegan Smith

Continued from page 1

You see,repparttar typical home business entrepreneur thinks he is doing what’s most effective and will lead to earningrepparttar 100385 most money by dropping what didn’t work and shifting his resources torepparttar 100386 next idea. He thinks eventually he’s going to hitrepparttar 100387 jackpot and findrepparttar 100388 diamond inrepparttar 100389 rough. Ironically, it’s this exact attitude that will ensure that he’ll never find that diamond in rough. You see, in actuality, there is no diamond inrepparttar 100390 rough.

This is an important point so pay attention, EVERY eBook and every article our typical home business entrepreneur has read had been sold to him inrepparttar 100391 SAME WAY! He didn’t even notice it! He was too busy learning all his cool new business strategies. Let me repeatrepparttar 100392 last point for you, allrepparttar 100393 information that he had learned was different, butrepparttar 100394 median for its distribution was alwaysrepparttar 100395 same.

That’srepparttar 100396 secretrepparttar 100397 guru’s don’t tell you. The sales model is ALWAYSrepparttar 100398 same.

So, here’srepparttar 100399 difference betweenrepparttar 100400 average home business entrepreneur andrepparttar 100401 home business entrepreneur withrepparttar 100402 Midas touch. Those that seem to hitrepparttar 100403 ground running learnrepparttar 100404 fundamentals first. They learn basic marketing principle then find something to market and then lastly try allrepparttar 100405 fancy stuffrepparttar 100406 guru’s tell them. And well, we already know what average home based business opportunity seeker does.

The gurus are masters of basic marketing principles. So,repparttar 100407 most effective use of your time and money fromrepparttar 100408 outset if you’re serious about becoming a successful home business entrepreneur is to masterrepparttar 100409 basics of marketing.

It’s all marketing! Nothing more and nothing less…

Daegan Smith is the Ex-NCAA Wrestler Turned Webmaster of Wanna Work From Home? Want a successful home based business? Then you need to check out Perfect Home Based Business Opportunities!

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