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Since your email message, and that of everyone else, must pass from one server to another to finally reach
intended recipient, that message can be intercepted at any of those servers through which it must pass.
Your personal message to a loved one can become a public document on
Internet thus exposing your inner most feelings and intimate thoughts.
Emailing a co-worker about sensitive business information can fall into
hands of someone friendly with your competition. Those sales projections or notes on a new client could easily be turned against you.
That would be truly unfortunate since
technology already exists for making your email messages secure.
The best solution is that of email encryption.
There are many email encryption options which are available to
average Internet user and many of these options are FREE to use. Not bad for getting that James Bondish feeling.
best of these options is a software program called Pretty Good Privacy, PGP. It is free to use and to distribute and has been around longer than I have been on
Internet, since 1991.
"PGP® or Pretty Good Privacy® is a powerful cryptographic product family that enables people to securely exchange messages, and to secure files, disk volumes and network connections with both privacy and strong authentication." PGP is Freeware.
Download your FREE copy of this software at:
Another solution is
Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, S/MIME protocol, an industry standard supported by almost all of
latest email programs and web browsers, including Microsoft and Netscape.
S/MIME incorporates Digital Certificates, which authenticate
identity of an emails sender and receiver, verify
integrity of a message and ensures
privacy of
It only takes a few minutes to get a Digital Certificate in order to secure your email. However, it does cost $ 14.95 per year to maintain
certificate. You can try it for 60 days FREE at:
We managed to find several, completely "FREE Secure Email Services", that we have compiled in a list via Auto-Responder at:
Another excellent FREE source of Privacy info is The Electronic Privacy Information Center, EPIC. They offer an online guide that shows users how to get PGP and other encryption programs as well as how to surf anonymously and dealing with cookies.
The EPIC guide also shows users how to download PGP via email: You just send a request to with
Subject line "SEND mpj/getpgp.asc."
You can access their FREE Resources at: ools.html
Most of us can not see
need for secure email.
But it is important to consider in this day and age where your email can be read by unintended people and it is certainly a cure for identity theft which can harm your peace of mind and also your pocket book.
A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.7 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" Visit us at: