"Secret Key To The Internet!"

Written by A. T. Rendon

Continued from page 1

So, it is not aboutrepparttar number of people online.

The "Secret Key To The Internet" is about communication.

Personally, I have been expounding this idea since I first came online in March of 1994. I was blessed withrepparttar 118964 realization thatrepparttar 118965 Internet was all aboutrepparttar 118966 ability of anyone to be able to communicate on a global scale.

This is an awesome ability. You, as an individual and forrepparttar 118967 first time in history, are able to reach across time, space and national borders and touch people in every corner of our world.

This fact is proven byrepparttar 118968 results ofrepparttar 118969 report quoted above. Their research found that 84% of ALL people accessing repparttar 118970 Internet do so to "communicate" via email.

For those of us wishing to do business online it makes poignant repparttar 118971 fact that you must use email asrepparttar 118972 foundation of your marketing and promotional campaigns. Otherwise, you are missingrepparttar 118973 point. And, you must do so without resorting to SPAM.

Of course, that is not to say that web pages are not important too.

The study found that over 67% of ALL people accessingrepparttar 118974 Internet, do so in search of information. This points out that your product and or service information should be posted online on your web page.

The way to successfully capitalize onrepparttar 118975 "Secret Key To The Internet", is to combine that ability to communicate and to deliverrepparttar 118976 information that people seek in a customized package that is unique to your own particular situation.

Obviously, it is not as easy as it might sound. Otherwise, everyone wishing to do business online would be a net millionaire and all of those dot.com failures would never have occurred.

But those people simply did not get it. You, at least, now know where it is that you need to start.

A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer. Subscribe to FREE Business Classifieds Newsletter & receive FREE online access to our Password Protected "FREE Submit To Over 2.7 MILLION FREE Ad Sites!" mailto:subscribe_fbcn9@emailexchange.org Visit us at: http://emailexchange.org/?Articles

How to get more sales from your website NOW!

Written by Peter Simmons

Continued from page 1

What do you look for? What impression do you get? What are they offering me? What exactly is in it for me? Are they talking to me? Are they saying what i want to hear? What would make me buy immediately? Can i trust them?

Now you have your potential customers point of view fresh in your mind, look at your website and askrepparttar following questions (and any relevant others):

What do your potential customers want from you? Can they see what you are offering quickly? Can they see clearly and quickly whats in it for them? Is your text copy strong and actively selling your products? Is your site focused on your potential customers? Is your site's text, layout and organisation assisting them? Do they know why they should buy from you? What do your customers think of your site and your products? Is someone responsible for increasing website sales? Is that person doing that? If not, why?

The answers you get should start giving an indication of under-performing elements on your site and responsibility for website sales. Once identified, you MUST then look for ways to improve or remove them. Be objective and ruthless! If any element of your website is not selling your products - improve or remove it. Do not rest until all your site elements are actively selling your products.

A common problem area to look out for is weak text copy. Weak copy will not sell and should either be transformed into strong copy or removed. If its not selling your products dont hesitate to remove it. For example, if your copy says "free newsletter" its weak copy and is unlikely to compel anyone to subscribe to it. Either improve it or remove it - make it stronger "subscribe today and get this benefit, plus this one... its all 100% free".

Just like you, your potential customers are busy and bombarded by sales information continuously. Make your site work for them and stand out with compelling offers and products that solve their particular problem. Make sure, in no uncertain terms, they know your product can solve their problem and how. If they go away happy, it gives them a mental message to take away that they'll remember and identify you with, a sort of mental business card.

Putrepparttar 118963 effort in and you'll getrepparttar 118964 results. The new customer gets what they've been looking for, to solve their problem, and you of course get more sales. Everybody is happy.

Good luck!

Peter Simmons is editor of the DYNAMIQ EZINE. GET MAXIMUM RESULTS FROM YOUR WEBSITE! Increase your traffic, prospect conversions, sales, profits, referrals and more... START GETTING RESULTS RIGHT NOW with your $129 WEBSITE EVALUATION ABSOLUTELY FREE at http://www.dynamiq.co.uk/ezine

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