Search Engines: Tips and Strategies on Getting Listed and Ranking High for Newbies

Written by Theresa Carter

Continued from page 1

Now that you’re seeing all their dirty laundry, you’re going to look for their Meta Tags, which will be atrepparttar top ofrepparttar 105817 code.

Meta Tags arerepparttar 105818 code inrepparttar 105819 HTML that visitors don’t see but search engines do. They used to berepparttar 105820 main way to get listed, but search engines have gotten smarter since abusers were loading up their tags with irrelevant keywords. They aren’t nearly as important as they used to be, butrepparttar 105821 Title and Description tags are still vital. Many search engines userepparttar 105822 title forrepparttar 105823 listing andrepparttar 105824 description for, well,repparttar 105825 description. If your tags are relevant to your content, they don’t hurt and do help with some.

Findrepparttar 105826 tags for Title, Description, and Keywords. Simply look for “title”, “description” and “keyword” atrepparttar 105827 top ofrepparttar 105828 source code.

1. The title usesrepparttar 105829 main keywords potential customers use to find sites. For example, TheLocalTourist’s home page title is “Downtown Chicago Restaurants, Bars and Nightclubs, Shopping, Events, Things To Do”. This title highlightsrepparttar 105830 areas ofrepparttar 105831 site where I want to receive search engine rankings based onrepparttar 105832 number of searches on those terms.

2. The description is where sites give their metaphorical “sound-byte”. The trick is to pick keywords and write a compelling, succinct description without sounding like you’re trying to use all your keywords. Gee, it sounds so easy.

3. The keyword meta tag is simply a listing, separated by commas, of allrepparttar 105833 keywords people would use to find a site. They should be different for each page becauserepparttar 105834 content is different. ONLY use keywords that represent your content. Don’t go crazy and don’t userepparttar 105835 same ones too many times.

Copy their tags and place them inrepparttar 105836 appropriate rows in your spreadsheet.

Now go back torepparttar 105837 page itself and read through it. Take note of how they use their keywords in their content. It’s a good idea to print each one.

Finally, gather your spreadsheets and your competitor’s site print-outs and pullrepparttar 105838 keywords and descriptions that reflect your site’s content. Analyze how they present their information.

This process is time consuming, but it forces you to take a look at your competition. It also, of course, makes sure your site is search engine friendly and therefore potential-visitor friendly.

Step By Step Optimization

Now it’s time to really get down to business.

Change your file names to includerepparttar 105839 most relevant keywords for each page. You can’t do that withrepparttar 105840 home page since it has to be something like “index”, but you can namerepparttar 105841 other pages onrepparttar 105842 site withrepparttar 105843 relevant keyword for each page. Believe it or not, it does make a difference. Pick one or two sorepparttar 105844 file name isn’t too long.

Write a title (not a meta tag, a real title) for each page as close torepparttar 105845 top ofrepparttar 105846 page as possible usingrepparttar 105847 best keywords to describerepparttar 105848 content. Format it as Header 1. (Most HTML editors have an easy way to format text without going intorepparttar 105849 code if you’re unfamiliar with HTML.) You’re putting it atrepparttar 105850 top ofrepparttar 105851 page because search engines read like we do: left to right, top to bottom. This placement andrepparttar 105852 header formatting is a flag stating that “This is whatrepparttar 105853 page is about”.

Withinrepparttar 105854 content of each page, include a blurb that uses as many keywords as possible without being annoying or redundant. Make your keywords bold, but only once. A good, brief example isrepparttar 105855 Things to Do page This is one ofrepparttar 105856 most frequently visited pages on The Local Tourist from search engines.

Make sure every picture has an “alt tag” (alternate). That’srepparttar 105857 text that shows up whilerepparttar 105858 picture is loading. Search engines can’t “read” pictures, sorepparttar 105859 alt tags show them whatrepparttar 105860 picture is about. On most HTML editors you addrepparttar 105861 alt tag in picture properties.

Use your hard-earned knowledge from spying to create your own meta tags. Tailor your competitors’ usage for your own site. (Learning how to implement meta tags is beyondrepparttar 105862 scope of this article, but you can do a web search for “meta tag tutorial” to find plenty of help.)

Ta da! You now have a website that’s ready to be submitted torepparttar 105863 search engines. It's a good idea to check your rankings on a regular basis and track them with your spreadsheets. Remember, this is not an instant process. The absolute best way to get impressive rankings is to have a content-rich quality site that addresses your target market’s needs.

Theresa Carter is the creator, publisher, and search engine optimizer of The Local Tourist, a free online guide to downtown Chicago. Find restaurants, bars, spas, salons, events, attractions, shopping, media, transportation, articles about Chicago and more. ttp://

The Secret of Search Engine Optimization

Written by Peter Faber

Continued from page 1

Many SEO’s that I talk with about harmony tell me that of course I am right and that it is so obvious it isn’t worth mentioning. Butrepparttar truth is that not that many people (SEO’s included) are able to bring real harmony to their pages and website.

Putting keywords in title, meta keywords, meta description and heading tags, that’s easy. But that’s justrepparttar 105816 most basic form of harmony in a web page. Just think of how keywords fit into text found inrepparttar 105817 title, description, heading tags andrepparttar 105818 copy. Should you just placerepparttar 105819 keywords in there somehow, or may it be better to be a bit more considerate when choosing what to write in all these places?

What about topical structure? Is your site completely structured according to a logical topical structure? There are so many indirect factors that are as powerful as link building. And it is hardly possible to put it into words as it is more an art than a science to get it right.

Peter Faber is the Implementation Director of; a search engine optimization company located in Brazil with a focus on Brazil, the USA and Europe. He also has his own SEO Blog in

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