Search Engine Optimization For Google

Written by SEO Expert

Continued from page 1
3.If content is king, then fresh content is prince. Google thrives on websites that are constantly adding fresh content. Websites with stale content erode in value over time. 4.When adding fresh content, make sure it is substantial. According torepparttar patent, Google measures substantial versus insubstantial content that is being added to a website. Don’t try to trickrepparttar 127724 search engines with lots of minor content updates. 5.Outbound links to trusted, authority sites help inrepparttar 127725 rankings. As a reputable online business, it makes good business sense to refer customers to other reputable businesses as well. Referring customers to disreputable websites only hurt a business’s reputation and credibility and Google takes this into account when deciding how to rank websites.

There are more insights to be gained fromrepparttar 127726 patent application, but these arerepparttar 127727 highlights that will help Webmasters and SEO’s focusing on Google to achieve higher rankings. Many of these ideas have been stated before as theory and nowrepparttar 127728 patent application verifies these theories. Historical data has always been thought to play a significant role inrepparttar 127729 Google rankings. So now that it has been confirmed, taking action seems to berepparttar 127730 next logical step.

SEO Expert is a search engine optimization company geared to achieve high rankings for customer websites.

Design A Spider Friendly Site

Written by Matt Colyer

Continued from page 1

Try not to use Flash when possible. Flash cannot be read byrepparttar search engines to date and will cause download time to slow a bit. If you do decide to use Flash anyway, make sure you add text torepparttar 127723 web page, sorepparttar 127724 search engines have something to read and find out what your web page is about. It will also allow your visitors to have something to read whilerepparttar 127725 Flash file loads. Also don't use Flash as a way of navigation, as I said before spiders cannot read Flash.

It's important to add a site map to your web site. Not only will this make it easier for internet surfers to get around your web site, but it will also allow spiders to find your site's content easier and index your web page sooner. The site map should contain text links and not image links.

I highly suggest that you look at your web page with a Lynx browser because this is similar to how search engines will view your web page. There are other tools onrepparttar 127726 internet that will allow you to view your web page without a Lynx browser, but see a web page just like it, so you may want to check those out as well.

Matt Colyer is the owner of He also is a php, CGI and ASP developer.

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