Search Engine Optimization - Search Engine Friendly Domain Name

Written by Endar WS

Continued from page 1
This kind of url will also influence PR of your site, since another web sites which want to link to you are forced to enter your prior keyword as url in texts-link on their web page. 2) Abbreviate some words with numeric: Eample: 2 = two 4 = for This will also makes your url in good positioning on few search engines that sorts url based on initial-numeric domain name. 3) Make your domain name as short as possible. Long domain name will only makes your url difficult to remember and easily being forget by visitors, so this should be avoided. Inrepparttar opposite, using short url-keyword will make your url memorize-able. 4) Use Popular TLD only as much as you can. The reason why it is recommended is, because popular TLD not only will make it easy to remember, but it also represents credibility of your business. 5) If your url consists more than a single word, then use minus (-) sign asrepparttar 143319 separator. This will avoid misspelling, mistype and make ease in spelling.

Endar WS is a SEO copywriter. Visit his site at for more info about effective search engine optimization that makes your site listed on the top of free search engines.

Search Engine Optimization - Create Effective Keywords and be The Champion.

Written by Endar WS

Continued from page 1
2) Find out related keywords and determinerepparttar popularity of each keywords. Simply, visit for free trial. Wordtracker is an online keywords generator. You might want to try good-keyword too. Good-keyword is a software that is utilized to get information of how many web pages that use certain keyword. You can download it for free from goodkeyword. 3) Find outrepparttar 143318 number of competitors. What I mean with competitors is sites that also userepparttar 143319 same keywords with yours. Go to search engine like google or altavista, and then type keywords you want to use. The number of competitors will appear as a part of their search results. 4) Determine Keywords Effectiveness. Simply, divide keyword's popularity with number of competitors. Then, shortrepparttar 143320 list. The higher,repparttar 143321 better. Use these in meta keyword tag, start fromrepparttar 143322 biggest keywords effectiveness value torepparttar 143323 smallest value. 5) Takerepparttar 143324 top 2 to be optimized on your site. I recommend you to optimize onlyrepparttar 143325 top 2 because using more than 2 keywords to be optimized on your web page will make your site bias from it's main theme. 6) Please not that when optimizing your web site, avoid too much repeating keywords in your page that makes impressions on dissonant and repeating. Determine keyword density for your site. This keyword density may not exceed than 5%, otherwise, search engines may assume it as spam and your url won't be indexed.

Endar WS is a SEO copywriter. Visit his site at for more info about effective search engine optimization that makes your site listed on the top of free search engines.

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