Search Engine Cloaking

Written by James O'Keefe

Continued from page 1

Page jacking occurs when a site owner takesrepparttar source code of a page that performs well inrepparttar 108815 search engines and cloaks it behind their own site. If this is done properly, a search engine spider will seerepparttar 108816 optimized page and do one of two things; improverepparttar 108817 ranking ofrepparttar 108818 unrelated site, or removerepparttar 108819 original site from their indexes. This unethical use of cloaking is unfortunately difficult to spot, and is one ofrepparttar 108820 reasons whyrepparttar 108821 use of cloaking is so controversial.

Is Cloaking all that Bad?

Lets forget for a momentrepparttar 108822 role and ethics of using cloaking for promotion and concentrate onrepparttar 108823 human factor. After allrepparttar 108824 main interest of any site owner should berepparttar 108825 thoughts and feelings of their visitors.

Givenrepparttar 108826 choice, I'm sure you would like to make your web site more intelligent. Does this particular visitor use a Mac or a PC? Opera, Netscape or Internet Explorer? Why should you wasterepparttar 108827 user's time by asking them for information that is readily available byrepparttar 108828 way their browser identifies itself? Wouldn't it be easier to just establish how best to optimizerepparttar 108829 page source code forrepparttar 108830 user's browser and operating system before they get it? By establishing details fromrepparttar 108831 user agent string and determining IP addresses, it is also possible to make an educated guess atrepparttar 108832 best default language or localized settings. It would be far more convenient if your visitors didn't need to convertrepparttar 108833 prices into their own currency or search through a long list of international branches to find their nearest store! Althoughrepparttar 108834 examples used above describerepparttar 108835 use of program identification and IP address to customizerepparttar 108836 user experience, user-friendly cloaking scripts can also make use of things such as referrer and session data. Knowing that a visitor came from a search engine while looking for a particular keyword gives you a great opportunity to optimiserepparttar 108837 page for better conversions. This can even work for informational sites; if they came to that page looking for information, there is a chance that they might be interested in buying a book onrepparttar 108838 subject!

Cloaking could also be used to protect yourself, your site and your visitors in a variety of ways. For example, it can be used to: -

Ban IPs of known email harvesters (useful if you run a community site).

Minimiserepparttar 108839 damage and cost of bots floodingrepparttar 108840 server.

Filter out questionable content from visitors that enter from a child oriented site.

Limit access by countries that require it by law or who are likely to findrepparttar 108841 site content objectionable.

Disable site features such as order forms to those surfing from problem IP addresses or countries thought to be involved with fraud.

Such legitimate uses of cloaking ought not to be penalized byrepparttar 108842 search engines. Howeverrepparttar 108843 activities of site owners that optimize forrepparttar 108844 engines have meant that those that dare to implement such features to their site runrepparttar 108845 risk of being banned byrepparttar 108846 search engines.

The Future could be Bright!

The use of cloaking is sure to become more commonplace as time goes on. Not everyone will hold back on implementing features that improverepparttar 108847 usability of their site just because they are worried they will be banned byrepparttar 108848 search engines.

It would be sad to seerepparttar 108849 legitimate use of cloaking thwarted byrepparttar 108850 minority of site owners who choose to use it purely to achieve higher rankings through deception. Cloaking hasrepparttar 108851 scope to make sites seem far more intelligent than they are, torepparttar 108852 point where it becomes invisible torepparttar 108853 vast majority of people who visitrepparttar 108854 site that use it.

Wouldn't it be nice to make a visitor feel more "at home" on your siterepparttar 108855 first time they visit it? Or to provide alternatives to those with limited access so they don't have to miss out entirely?

Cloaking can make such features a reality. If we are willing to let it!

If, you are determined to possibly reaprepparttar 108856 big rewards as well, Click Here!

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James O’Keefe isrepparttar 108857 owner of My Millionaire Friend. offering FREE articles, tips, hints, and real-world advice on how to make money with your website. Visit his site or join his FREE newsletter by sending a blank email to

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James O’Keefe isrepparttar 108860 owner of My Millionaire Friend offering FREE articles, tips, hints, and real-world advice on how to make money with your website. Visit his site or join his FREE newsletter, by sending a blank email to

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James O’Keefe is the owner of My Millionaire Friend offering FREE articles, tips, hints, and real-world advice on how to make money with your website. Visit his site or join his FREE newsletter, by sending a blank email to

Accept Credit Cards Online without a Merchant Account

Written by John Lynch

Continued from page 1

Small businesses are better off with a Third Party processor. The advantage is that when you sell your products,repparttar Third Party processor takes care ofrepparttar 108814 payment by checkingrepparttar 108815 card, processing it, and sending you a monthly check.

Larger businesses with a bigger turnover are likely to need a full merchant account. You will pay a bigger set-up fee for an online merchant account but pay less per transaction than with a Third Party processor. So recouping your initial outlay.

So there it is, unless you have a large business it is possible to accept credit cards online with a Third Party processor.

(c) John Lynch 2004

[ For details of Third Party credit card processors and online merchant accounts visit: ]


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