Scrapbooking Yourself as an Individual, Homemaker, Worker and More

Written by Fion Lim

Continued from page 1

  • Any pleasant and memorable memories with your colleagues orrepparttar people you've met at work?

  • What do you hope to accomplish in your job? What's your definition of work success and have you achievedrepparttar 141437 job success you're seeking for? Scrapbook about these too.


    "Inrepparttar 141438 pursuit to better ourselves we are sure to encounter failure. Going on after each failure is how character is built." - Allan L. Barr

    This is an interesting theme to explore and scrapbook about. You're unlikely to be stagnant and will undergorepparttar 141439 continual motion of change.

    Are you a person who believes in personal self-growth? Do you constantly seek out opportunities to reinvent your life and better yourself as a person?

    Then have a ball scrapbooking on these ideas!

  • What steps had you taken or are taking to reinvent yourself?

  • What aspects of your life do you most wish to change or reinvent? Describerepparttar 141440 times in your life where you've experiencedrepparttar 141441 greatest growth.

  • Describerepparttar 141442 toughest thing you've ever done, and would you have done it any differently now?

  • What failures have you gone through in life? What'srepparttar 141443 good things you've learned from your failures? Usually, failures offer you opportunities for growth.

  • How aboutrepparttar 141444 missed opportunities in your life. What other options did you take up instead? Would you have grabbedrepparttar 141445 missed opportunities on hindsight?

  • What arerepparttar 141446 best pieces of self-improvement advice you've receive from others?

  • Describe your ideal self. What arerepparttar 141447 qualities that your ideal self possesses? How would she behave and act?

    Dreamer "Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes

    Do you still have dreams? Or are your dreams long-buried somewhere because you don't believe in having dreams anymore?

    Or are you too caught up with life to think about your dreams?

    I remember someone once mentioned that if we don't know what our dreams are, then how do we know we've reached them when we did? Isn't that an awakening statement?

    Like they said, we'll only pass by this life only once, so let's dig out your long forgotten dreams and make a leap for them.

    Here's some ideas to help you along in scrapping about your dreams.

  • Make a list ofrepparttar 141448 top 10 goals you'll like to accomplish this year. How aboutrepparttar 141449 top 20 dreams you'll like to see fulfilled in your lifetime? Somehow, seeing these goals on scrapbook pages clarifies them in your mind.

  • What arerepparttar 141450 sights that you most desire to see? Countries that you most want to travel to? China? Russia? Exotic Asia?

  • What hobbies or crafts you've been longing to learn or pick up? Professional photography? Card-making? Playing piano?

  • Any keep fit or weigh loss goals to work towards your dream figure? Toning up your flabby arms? Finally having a flat tummy?

  • What's your dream house like? Where will it be located? Who'll be living inrepparttar 141451 house with you? A white two-storey terrace house facingrepparttar 141452 beautiful, blue sea?

  • Any dreams of going back to school? What courses have you been thinking of taking up to upgrade yourself? A master degree? Learning to write effective sales copy?

  • What acts of generosity will you perform when you're rich with money? $100,000 to your favorite charity? An all-inclusive trip torepparttar 141453 Anguilla beaches for your whole family?

  • If you've failed in making your dreams come true inrepparttar 141454 past, why do you think you've failed then? What steps could you take to overcome these obstacles?

    My Favorites

    One ought every day at least to hear a little song, read a good poem, see a fine picture, and, if it were possible, to speak a few reasonable words. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

    This theme is inspired byrepparttar 141455 song, "My Favorites Things" fromrepparttar 141456 classic movie, "The Sound of Music".

    You'll have unique and different tastes and styles fromrepparttar 141457 rest ofrepparttar 141458 population. Occasionally, you'll haverepparttar 141459 good fortune to find someone who shares similar favorite things.

    This is an absolutely fun theme to scrapbook about and yet it says so loudly of what you are.

  • Make a list of your top 25 favorite things in your life.

  • Favorite colors, movies, music, books, food, desserts, ice-cream, brand of apparel, hair shampoo, body lotion, restaurants, hangouts, quotes, poems, sayings, persons, authors, composers, bands, musicals, shoes, bags, etc. This list is practically endless.

  • Another method to help you narrow down is probably to think about what things you couldn't live without! ;-)

    Alright, hope that these themes have ignited your imagination for more themes to scrapbook about yourself.

    Happy scrapping!

    Fion Lim is the creator of - Here's your how-to-guide to learning about scrapbooking. Find ideas for scrapbooking pages, tips, inspirations, articles and resources to quotes, poems and fonts right here.

  • Scrapbooking Yourself as a Girl, Youth and Your College Days

    Written by Fion Lim

    Continued from page 1

    Many of us started to feel pretty grown up and liberatedrepparttar moment we hit 18. Suddenly,repparttar 141436 time between 18 and 24 slipped away so fast and before you knew it,repparttar 141437 realization hit you that youth is neither forever nor eternal. And you swallowed a little and facedrepparttar 141438 truth, that there's another bout of growing up to deal with in adulthood.

    Some of your most liberating, bittersweet, and confusing experiences might have taken place during your youthful days.

    So get out your scrapbooking supplies and let's scrapbook them!

  • What's your favorite subjects, teacher, and activities at school? Favorite hangouts? Any teacher or classmate from hell?

  • What'srepparttar 141439 challenges you faced in college? What's your best memories then?

  • Did you live on or off campus? How's campus life like for you?

  • Did you move out of your parents’ home? Whom did you move in with? And how's life living without your family? How did you cope?

  • Did you meet your sweetheart, partner/spouse then? What did you normally do on dates? What's your thoughts about relationships then?

  • Did you feel that your life revolved around your friends then? Who's your buddies and what happened to those friendships? What have you learned about friendship?

  • What's your studying habits like? Food you ate, music you listened to, things you did to help you de-stress?

  • What's your dressing style like? Any horrifying fashion mistakes that look hilarious now?

  • Did you take on part-time jobs during those days? What interesting lessons did you learn about being an employee?

  • If you chose not to attend college, why? How did this decision impact your life? What jobs did you take on thereafter? How's your attitude being a young working adult? What's your job duties?

  • How did you see yourself then? What traits would you use to describe yourself? How did you want others to see you as?

  • What opportunities did you miss? Any regrets? Were there things you wished you could change? How did you move on?

  • What life-changing events did you go through? What'srepparttar 141440 biggest lessons you've learned and how these lessons changed your life?

  • Did your childhood dreams evolve into something entirely different? What's your dreams at this stage? What actions did you take to accomplish them? Are you still holding onto these dreams now?

    Not only will these scrapbook themes write outrepparttar 141441 early phases of your life story, these scrapbook pages will fill you up with a sense of certainty. The pages will remind you that you have more living to do, and leave behind a legacy of who you are to your loved ones and your future generations.

    Isn't this similar to publishing your own personal triumphs, tears and joy to others who wants to know more about you?

    For more ideas on scrapbooking about yourself as an adult, look out for my article "Scrapbooking Yourself as an Individual, Homemaker, Worker and More".

    Happy scrapping!

    Fion Lim is the creator of - Here's your how-to-guide to learning about scrapbooking. Find ideas for scrapbooking pages, tips, inspirations, articles and resources to quotes, poems and fonts right here.

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