Scientists Declaration about The Holy Quran and Islam-T.V.N. Persaud

Written by -T.V.N. Persaud

Continued from page 1

I personally can't see how this could be mere chance, there are too many accuracies and like Dr. Moore, I have no difficulty in my mind reconciling that this is a divine inspiration or revelation which lead him to these statements."

Professor of Anatomy, and Professor of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Scientists Declaration about The Holy Quran and Islam-Professor Armstrong

Written by Professor Armstrong

Continued from page 1

Certainly, I would like to leave it at that, that what we have seen is remarkable, it may or may not admit of scientific explanation, there may well have to be something beyond what we understand as ordinary human experience to account forrepparttar writings that we have seen."

"I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in Qur'ân, and for us modern astronomers have been studying very small piece ofrepparttar 127694 universe. We have concentrated our efforts for understanding of very small part. Because by using telescopes, we can see only very few parts ofrepparttar 127695 sky without thinking aboutrepparttar 127696 whole universe. So by reading Qur'ân and by answering torepparttar 127697 questions, I think I can find my future way for investigation ofrepparttar 127698 universe."

Professor Armstrong works for NASA and is also Professor of Astronomy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA.

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