Schindler's List: A Fecal Matter

Written by Robert Levin

Continued from page 1

And then there’s mass murder.

Blowing away a lot of people is an especially effective death-dread remedy. When guilt and ambivalence are removed fromrepparttar act—whenrepparttar 126189 act can be rationalized as serving a righteous or noble cause, like, say,repparttar 126190 extirpation of an inferior or evil race that’s corrupting a divine plan—it’s even better than especially effective. Mussolini’s son, returning to Italy in a state of euphoria after bombingrepparttar 126191 Ethiopians, and, in an infamous remark, describingrepparttar 126192 carnage he’d wrought as “beautiful,” was only being honest, candidly acknowledgingrepparttar 126193 ultimate high that murder can afford.

“High,” meaning of course, ABOVErepparttar 126194 body.

When we devote ourselves torepparttar 126195 preservation of a rain forest, we are performing a service for nature that might, come Judgment Day, earn us a special dispensation. When we bulldoze a rainforest we are getting nature out of our face. But when we are killing, when we are exercising destructive force of a supreme magnitude, and manifesting a blunt indifference torepparttar 126196 notion ofrepparttar 126197 sanctity of life, torepparttar 126198 unfinished business of our victims, and torepparttar 126199 grief of those who loved them, we become what it truly is to be “one” with nature. Andrepparttar 126200 reward is extraordinary. Claiming nature’s power and authority for ourselves, merging withrepparttar 126201 source of death, we stop feeling vulnerable to nature, we achieve a sense of immunity to its victimization of us, a sense of immunity that, in turn, relieves us ofrepparttar 126202 burdenrepparttar 126203 fragility of our bodies inflicts on us. Inrepparttar 126204 period of killing we get what we most need and want, we get to experience ourselves as indestructible.

Murder kills death.

I’ve conceded that it would have been off Spielberg’s spectrum to make even an oblique or passing reference to a reality so repugnant. But I can still wish he’d been capable of taking his opportunity to toss a wrench intorepparttar 126205 mindless reflex of hand-wringing astonishment and incredulity that is our rote response to atrocities. The truth ofrepparttar 126206 matter isn’t elusive. We make it so because it sits in shit. A certain percentage of humanity, unable to avail itself ofrepparttar 126207 less malignant death-denial techniques, or finding them insufficient, or seeing through them, will always be willing to become what Elie Wiesel termed “not human”; will, in fact, have no recourse but to violaterepparttar 126208 social contract and enter madness in order to achieve respite fromrepparttar 126209 inhuman reality of living under a death sentence.

If anything should astonish us it's that this percentage isn't much higher.

Former contributor to the Village Voice and Rolling Stone. Coauthor and coeditor, respectively, of two collections of essays about rock and jazz in the '60s: "Music & Politics" and "Giants of Black Music."

Stereo Perception with a Single Eye

Written by Charles Douglas Wehner

Continued from page 1

A pigeon, to land, needs stereopsis in a triangular region in front and below. The cheeks ofrepparttar pigeon are hollow to allowrepparttar 126188 optical axis of each eye to "sneak" pastrepparttar 126189 beak, allowing a small area of overlap for precision landing.

Otherwise,repparttar 126190 pigeon has eyes that give a panoramic view with little overlap.

This leads to obvious danger. What happens whenrepparttar 126191 pigeon is onrepparttar 126192 ground? Is it vulnerable to attack by cats?


From one position it takes a "SNAPSHOT" ofrepparttar 126193 scene. Then it moves its head to a position that is removed by a distance remarkably similar torepparttar 126194 interocular separation ofrepparttar 126195 human eyes.

Fromrepparttar 126196 new position, it takes a new "SNAPSHOT". It "knows" which image isrepparttar 126197 front one, and which isrepparttar 126198 back because its brain not only commandedrepparttar 126199 movement but also received gnosisceptor confirmation.

So it needs only REMEMBERrepparttar 126200 first image for a split-second, long enough to combine it withrepparttar 126201 second image for a "Wheatsone glimpse", and it has perceivedrepparttar 126202 stereoscopic depth of its environment.

Does this only apply to pigeons?

Apparently not. When a human closes one eye,repparttar 126203 limbic system will no longer have two images for stereoscopic evaluation ofrepparttar 126204 environment. It will become dependent uponrepparttar 126205 "TEMPORAL" data inrepparttar 126206 one-eye image. That is, upon howrepparttar 126207 perspective changes over TIME.

I have made some tools for stereoscopists available at or ools .

Of interest in this context isrepparttar 126208 LEN.COM lenticular stereogram maker. This creates an image of interleaved stripes for use with lenticular plastic.

However, suppose we makerepparttar 126209 stripes HORIZONTAL instead of vertical. Suppose also, that we make a mask inrepparttar 126210 GIF process where each odd row of pixels is black and each even row transparent. Asrepparttar 126211 mask slides overrepparttar 126212 striped image,repparttar 126213 left-eye and right-eye images will be seen alternately.

Using Internet Explorer,repparttar 126214 trick works quite well. So you can see Professor Wheatstone rocking back and forth if you sliderepparttar 126215 scroll-bar whilst viewingrepparttar 126216 introductory page at .

Look closely, and it becomes quite obvious thatrepparttar 126217 tuft of hair torepparttar 126218 left of his head is moving forward and backward in space.

You can seerepparttar 126219 effect EVEN WITH ONE EYE CLOSED.


Charles Douglas Wehner

Charles Wehner is an electronics engineer and technical author born in 1944. He was involved with radar, nucleonics and measurement-and-control systems - and was for many years a member of the Stereoscopic Society in London, England.

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