Savvy Marketing And Rebounding Economy Jumpstarts Profits From The Sale Of Giftware And Collectibles

Written by Opal R. Gilbert

Continued from page 1

As we stated before, collectibles and giftware shoppers generally know what they’re looking for and they now have many more options for finding what they want. Entrepreneurs who want to succeed need to do four things:

Stand out fromrepparttar crowd by sellingrepparttar 116506 types of collectibles giftware that people are buying. Offer some exclusive items that cannot be found anywhere else or that cannot be found easily. Be a resource for your customers. Keep prices low.

Home-based sellers of collectibles and giftware need to keep on top of what their customers are buying so they can stand out by selling popular items. Offering exclusive or hard-to-find items is another way to stand out inrepparttar 116507 collectibles and giftware world. Often, specializing in a certain type of item can be profitable if there is a large enough demand and there are few sources forrepparttar 116508 item.

Even with all ofrepparttar 116509 technological tools at their disposal today, collectors still have trouble finding an item that they desire. Some collectors may not be Internet-savvy, or may not be familiar with sources in their areas. The more adept that home-based sellers of collectibles and giftware become at finding specific items for customers,repparttar 116510 more they will be relied on as a resource, andrepparttar 116511 more customer loyalty they will develop.

Even if an entrepreneur does provide all of this added value torepparttar 116512 customer, prices should be kept low. Customer loyalty can quickly turn if they realize thatrepparttar 116513 items of a certain seller are obviously overpriced. The profit margin for collectibles and giftware is generally high, so prices can be kept low whilerepparttar 116514 profit margin can remain relatively high forrepparttar 116515 seller. Keeping prices low will helprepparttar 116516 collectibles and giftware seller attract many more customers.

One ofrepparttar 116517 best aspects of selling collectibles and giftware is that it is a year-round business, unlikerepparttar 116518 huge seasonal highs and lows seen in other retail areas. Atrepparttar 116519 same time,repparttar 116520 Christmas, Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day shopping seasons always bring a big boost torepparttar 116521 collectibles and giftware business.

Selling collectibles and giftware can be a rewarding home-based business in whichrepparttar 116522 entrepreneurs are truly their own bosses. Because ofrepparttar 116523 changing habits of collectors andrepparttar 116524 impending economic upturn, selling collectibles and giftware is perhaps one ofrepparttar 116525 brightest opportunities inrepparttar 116526 world of home-based businesses today.

Opal R. Gilbert is the President of O.R. Gilbert Enterprises and the owner of an online catalog retail and wholesale business. Global Specialty Gifts may be found online at Contact Opal R. Gilbert directly at (212) 685-1729, toll free at (888) 241-3267. Email:

How Clear is Your Vision?

Written by Liane Wood

Continued from page 1

Depending on what your vision is, you may get overwhelmed byrepparttar size ofrepparttar 116505 task ahead of you. Remember these sayings,repparttar 116506 way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time and Rome wasn’t built in one day.

The next step is breakingrepparttar 116507 task down into manageable chunks that you can handle.

Completing this step is crucial. Many people give up at this step and get lost in what I call “action avoidance strategies”. What are action avoidance strategies? Here are a few of them:

•Analysis Paralysis •Procrastination •Denial •Lack of Good Reasons to Completerepparttar 116508 Task •Fear ofrepparttar 116509 Unknown

Now, once you are 70% ofrepparttar 116510 way to being ready to begin, start moving forward. If you wait until everything is perfect to begin working towards your vision you will never start. The other 30% will unfold as you move forward and this allows you to select, reflect and correct your plan alongrepparttar 116511 way.

Intentions + Action = Results

It’s imperative to move out ofrepparttar 116512 planning stage and intorepparttar 116513 action stage if you want to create your future and accomplish your vision.

Get a big vision and then go after it!!

Liane Wood is a stay at home mom and the owner of

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