Saving Money With Coupons

Written by Diana Cassen

Continued from page 1

If you live in a region whererepparttar stores will double your coupons then you have it made. I wish I did, but with keeping a careful eye onrepparttar 110267 sales and knowing what I have on hand andrepparttar 110268 store policy I do quite well and stock up on a lot of necessary items. Some stores may have a great deal but limitrepparttar 110269 coupon to only one per person per item, this is where my teenagers and husband come in handy.. I have had people make fun of me for clipping coupons, clerks who rolled their eyes, and even my own family giving me a hard time for doing this. Every time I went torepparttar 110270 store I calculated how much I saved by using my coupons andrepparttar 110271 first year no one seemed to complain when we went to Disneyland usingrepparttar 110272 savings I had built up thru coupon clipping. Now my kids get inrepparttar 110273 act and help finding coupons, getting extra flyers when possible (our complex has a paper recycling bin, most flyers are thrown out) and a lot of stores haverepparttar 110274 coupons in store that you have to carefully watch for or you will miss it. Clipping coupons may not make you rich but it sure can add a nice big bonus torepparttar 110275 family savings account when you takerepparttar 110276 time to do so.

Diana Cassen is a part time write and co-webmaster of

Twins Pregnancy…A Father’s Point of View

Written by Dan Brunkow

Continued from page 1

Third, don’t expect a full-term pregnancy. It very rarely happens with twins. The goal of a twin pregnancy is to carry them at least 36 weeks. Once you reach that mark you are considered to be out ofrepparttar ‘danger zone’. Even though 36 weeks isrepparttar 110266 target, many twins are delivered earlier. What this means is that you have less time to get everything ready forrepparttar 110267 new arrivals. I would suggest gettingrepparttar 110268 babies room ready earlier, start buying those baby items that you need to purchase, get things done aroundrepparttar 110269 house that need to be done. During this pregnancy, you may not have time to wait untilrepparttar 110270 last minute!

Finally, you are about to embark on an emotional and stressful, next few months. It was truly an emotional roller coaster for us. I’ll never forget our fourth trip torepparttar 110271 hospital because of pre-term labor. My wife started having contractions again at around week 34. The babies were both more than 5 lbs., so we were sure that they would just let it go and we could finally deliverrepparttar 110272 twins. We thought thatrepparttar 110273 twins were big enough and strong enough to be born safely, so I packed uprepparttar 110274 overnight bag andrepparttar 110275 camera and we headed forrepparttar 110276 hospital, positive that we were going to finally haverepparttar 110277 twins that day. After all ofrepparttar 110278 other trips torepparttar 110279 hospital, we were ready. Once we got torepparttar 110280 hospital we were immediately put in a delivery room. And thenrepparttar 110281 contractions stopped…all by themselves. We askedrepparttar 110282 doctor to induce labor, and he refused, forrepparttar 110283 safety ofrepparttar 110284 twins. Of course he was right, but we were both devastated. We were just emotionally and mentally exhausted. My wife cried allrepparttar 110285 way home.

My best advice to you is to try to stay calm, help and support your wife (she truly is doing most ofrepparttar 110286 work), and trust your doctor’s advice. Remember, you’re goal is to try and carryrepparttar 110287 babies at least until week 36, which will greatly decreaserepparttar 110288 chance of complications withrepparttar 110289 birth of your twins. Do everything you can to make this happen. Trust me, even though a twin pregnancy is a very trying time forrepparttar 110290 mother andrepparttar 110291 father, its well worth it once those twins arrive!

About the Author

Dan Brunkow is the owner and moderator of Advice for parents of twins, from parents of twins.

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