Saving Money -- Here's How

Written by Stephania Munson-Bishop

Continued from page 1

The SHARE Food Program, andrepparttar SHARE Pharmacy, are just two ways to stretch your money torepparttar 112744 'savings' point. Imagine this: 3 different SHARE packages offered in one month. (1) chicken breasts, 1 lb. deli roast beef, chicken thighs, meatballs, bar-b-que sauce, toaster bagels, potatoes, onions, and additional fruits and vegetables. (2) turkey breast, boneless, ready to cook, 4 lb.; plus one 3-lb. boneless ham. (3) Eight 6-oz. ribeye steaks. Each package: $15. plus 2 hours community service.

At last count, there were 5,000 community organizations known as SHARE host sites inrepparttar 112745 U.S. alone, serving more than 175,000 each month. SHARE is an acronym for Self Help and Resource Exchange. You're guaranteed at least $30 worth of food in each SHARE box. There are no income requirements to participate. You can even log your two hours of community service inrepparttar 112746 SHARE warehouse in your neighborhood, bagging oranges or onions or carrying a food box to an elderly person's car. Not only that, but you'll meet friendly, happy people who are all inrepparttar 112747 same frame of mind -- saving money.

Call 1-619-544-2980 for a SHARE sponsor near you. Or go to:

SHARE Pharmacy was formed in December '98, to offer low-cost prescription services. This is fromrepparttar 112748 World SHARE website: "Prescriptions are delivered by mail within 10-15 days torepparttar 112749 patient's door, a real bonus for those who have trouble getting out. For patients needing to transfer prescriptions, our friendly staff is here to help. If you know of anyone who is struggling to pay for their prescriptions medicines, please let them know of this fantastic program."

Gram emailed for some prices on common medications: Accupril (for high blood pressure), 40 mg., 30 tablets - $33.; Lipitor (for cholesterol), 20 mg., 30 tablets - $85.99; Atenolol (a heart medicine), 50 mg., 60 tablets - $10.49 generic. These prices are for someone without insurance or Medicare. Call 1-800-542-1110. Or email for fastest service:

These are both wonderful, non-profit programs that could grow even better if more people would take advantage of them.

Stephania is a human services professional who published "Tidbits from the Pantry," a monthly ezine to over 10,000 subscribers. Visit her site at

Selling your home with or without an agent?Is there a right answer?

Written by Yolanda Kennedy

Continued from page 1

Marketing your home isrepparttar key to selling it and if you have to think about it, that is how many things are sold. There are a few things you must decide on before you move forward with selling your home yourself. The first thing you want to ask yourself is, you willing to put inrepparttar 112743 time? Time is required to makerepparttar 112744 flyers, set up your web site, takerepparttar 112745 pictures, and return calls from buyers and agents. We are not talking about hours but you need to set a side a few minutes daily to follow up.

Next you have to decide what times you will makerepparttar 112746 house available for showing, if you are or are not having an open house and what (if any) commission you are going to pay. When someone puts an offer in on your home you have to accept or counterrepparttar 112747 offer. If there is a problem with any ofrepparttar 112748 inspections you will have to decide how to handle it withrepparttar 112749 buyers. Oh wait; these are things you need to decide on with an agent any way.

The truth is there isn't a right answer. It depends on you and your situation but if you are willing to put some effort into it. Can you sell your home yourself and save thousands? Yes. Is it worthrepparttar 112750 little extra work? Yes. Willrepparttar 112751 attorney or Title Company handling settlement for a small fee handlerepparttar 112752 seller side also which is mostly tax and mortgage payoffs information? Yes.

Yolanda Kennedy is a mother, wife, friend and neighbor who believes education is the key to building the life you want for your family. She publishes where you can list Your Home For free and learn how to market your home effectively. Send an email to sign up for her free newsletter at

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