Save on your insurance by improving your credit score.

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1
if you have managed to avoid making late payments or over drawing on your current credit limits you can still be in harms way. Recent reports have suggested that almost 79% of credit reports contain an error of some kind. The really bad news is that 25% of these errors are harmful enough to where they could cause some serious issues in your attempts to receive credit, better rates and lower your insurance premiums. Additional recommendations includerepparttar obvious such as continuing to make payments on time combined with an outstanding long-term credit history and low credit usage. You can use this to your advantage by keeping your oldest credit cards debt free. Also ask for credit limit increase every once in a while. However make every attempt to avoid signing up for new credit cards or other forms of credit unless absolutely necessary.

If you do find out that your credit report does indeed contain errors promptly contactrepparttar 144642 credit bureau that issued yourepparttar 144643 credit and disputerepparttar 144644 errors. Ifrepparttar 144645 bureau is unable to verify thatrepparttar 144646 errors are indeed correct within a 30-day time frame they must removerepparttar 144647 erroneous information from your report.

Takingrepparttar 144648 simple precaution of verifying your credit score could result in a substantial deduction on all of your insurance premiums and could significantly improve your rates for a new home or car loan.

Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides more free financial and home equity loan information that you can research in your pajamas on his website

How To Save Money On Your Homeowners Insurance?

Written by Tim Gorman

Continued from page 1

Discounts – Ask your insurance company ifrepparttar offer discounts for security devices, fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems and other burglar devices. They may even offer senior discounts if you’re overrepparttar 144641 age of 55. Ask if you qualify for any other discounts they may offer.

Policy Limits - You want your policy to cover any major purchases or additions to your home. But you don't want to spend money for coverage you don't need. However be careful about eliminating floater insurance. This insurance covers your valuable possessions such as your jewelry, Rolex watches and fur coats. Your computer equipment may also need a floater policy. Failure to have them could result in not receiving adequate reimbursement if those items are ever damaged or stolen.

Location – If you really want to save money on your homeowners insurance then you need to make sure your house is built to withstandrepparttar 144642 natural weather occurrences that take place in your local area. Earthquakes, floods and fires behave differently in different parts ofrepparttar 144643 country.

Hopefully this information can help you focus in on some areas within your homeowner’s policy that you can review with your insurance agent inrepparttar 144644 hopes of actually lowering your house insurance rates instead of raising them.

Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of He provides more insurance information and offers discount auto, life and home insurance that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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