Sales Success – The 5 steps

Written by Gordon Goh

Continued from page 1

Step 4: The Sales Process

The key to a successful sale isrepparttar ability to build rapport and trust with each customer.

Meet, greet and build rapport, settle them on a model, garment or product to demonstrate.

Allrepparttar 103136 time check by asking trial-closing questions then asks for their business.

Remember to sellrepparttar 103137 benefits of your product speaking in their own linguistic modality. For example talking to an auditory person about a car engine you would say.

“Listen to that engine, doesn’t it sound great?”… Or to a visual person your could say, “You see how smooth that engine is”…

Step 5: Follow up

This isrepparttar 103138 first step torepparttar 103139 next sale to your customer or to obtaining referrals from them… First a thank you letter, then a 7 day follow up call followed by a call at least every 9 days. This will ensure a steady stream of referrals… All you have to do is ask

Remember… Do what you most fear to do, and you will haverepparttar 103140 results you most want to have…

Gordon Goh is author of the free, informative website Simply Motivation offering quality useful tips for Motivation

Laws of Marketing – The 10 Immutable

Written by Gordon Goh

Continued from page 1

7. Law of Division – overtime, a category will divide and become 2 or more categories. Each segment has its own leader – use different brand names for different segments. What keeps leaders from launching a different brand to cover a new category isrepparttar fear of what will happen to their existing brands.

8. Law of Perspective – marketing effects takes place over an extended period of time. The long-term effects are oftenrepparttar 103135 exact opposite ofrepparttar 103136 short-term effects. Having a sale decreases business inrepparttar 103137 long term by educating customers not to buy at ‘regular’ prices. The same goes for line extension – they increase sales inrepparttar 103138 short term but decreases sales inrepparttar 103139 long term. Less is more – narrowrepparttar 103140 focus in order to build a position inrepparttar 103141 prospect’s mind.

9. Law of Candor – when you admit a negative,repparttar 103142 prospect will give you a positive. This is because no proof is needed for a negative statement. First admit a negative and then twist it into a positive.

10. Law of Hyperepparttar 103143 situation is oftenrepparttar 103144 opposite ofrepparttar 103145 way it appears inrepparttar 103146 press. History is filled with marketing failure that was successful inrepparttar 103147 press or advertisements.

Whether you're new or experienced in business, looking to increase your sales or just want to fightrepparttar 103148 recession, Effective and Profitable Marketing isrepparttar 103149 way to grow your business.

In summary, these laws are very useful and practical. I myself practiced laws 5 and 8 and derived good results from there. That's why I want to share them with you.

Gordon Goh is author of the free, informative website Simply Motivation offering quality useful tips for Motivation

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