Sad Scientific Facts about Love

Written by Sam Stevens

Continued from page 1

Many of you will protest these findings and insist that you can make up for your lack of physical beauty with personality, charm and talent. Sorry! According to Randy Thornhill ofrepparttar University of New Mexico, when it comes to procreation, "beauty is everything. " Both men and women look for symmetry in a partner, as, a long, long time ago, inrepparttar 130011 jungle, asymmetry led us to believe that our partner was riddled with horrible parasites. Also, men prefer women with little chins because estrogen is involved with jaw development. Evidence of estrogen makes them go "Aha!

Fertility! An excellent place to deposit a seed!" Women especially complain that "he tells me he loves me, but he doesn't act like it." According to Buss, overrepparttar 130012 millenniums men have developedrepparttar 130013 capacity for deceitful smooth-talking to fool women, who have evolved inbuilt lie-detectors to counteract this problem. The male knows a woman won't sleep with him if he has intentions to run off afterwards, so he lies to her. That is why women spend so much time engaged inrepparttar 130014 do-you-think-he-really-loves-me routine with their girlfriends. However, men have evolved to think that they actually believerepparttar 130015 lies they're spouting; he is sincere inrepparttar 130016 moment, that is -- until he gets want he wants.

Even more infuriating, at least to women, isrepparttar 130017 results of Buss's studies on post-coital attraction. Apparently, when asked how they felt about a partner after sex, most males said they were "less attracted" while most women said they were "more attracted". I guess Mom was right about saving it 'til you're married.

Love isrepparttar 130018 only disease where people actually seek out punishment. Unfortunately,repparttar 130019 only cure for love is loneliness. So if you find yourself all alone this Valentine's Day, take heart. At least you're sane.

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

Magic in Your Spice Rack

Written by Sam Stevens

Continued from page 1

MINT: If you need to sparkle in a crowd, charm, woo or sell something, trying nibbling on a little mint or drinking mint tea before you do your presentation. However, if that is too archaic for you, sucking on a spearmint-flavored Tic Tac will dorepparttar trick as well. PARSLEY: Need some cold hard cash? Make a tea out of dried parsley by boiling a teaspoon ofrepparttar 130008 dried herb and adding it to a cup of boiled water. Either add it to your bath or put it in an atomizer. The idea is to sprinkle or sprayrepparttar 130009 parsley water in a clockwise direction in your house to raise your money drawing vibration. ROSEMARY: Rosemary is a protective herb andrepparttar 130010 whole needles can be sprinkled aroundrepparttar 130011 perimeter of a house for protection. If you like antiques, but are worried aboutrepparttar 130012 vibe ofrepparttar 130013 previous owner of what you bought, a wash made of one teaspoon ofrepparttar 130014 dried herb to one cup of boiling water can be used to purifyrepparttar 130015 object fromrepparttar 130016 energies of its past owners. SAGE: Sage is an herb of wisdom. A tea made from a teaspoon of sage and a cup of boiling water can be added torepparttar 130017 bath-tub or sprinkled throughoutrepparttar 130018 house to help destroy illusions and raise mental clarity. You can also buy it commercially, in tea bags, and drink it to help improve your memory while studying for tests.

Sam Steven's metaphysical articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. You can meet Sam Stevens at where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at where she is the staff writer. Currently she is studying technology's impact on the metaphysics.

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