Sacred Group Retreats to Make Change

Written by Douglas D. Germann, Sr.

Continued from page 1

Sorepparttar question is, can you trust God?

The answer is, Always! God works through people. God works through circumstances. God works through gatherings. God works through silence. God works throughrepparttar 132386 brook leaping and dancing outsiderepparttar 132387 meeting room window.

How does this happen? When you give your people paper and markers and invite them in a spirit of openness and stillness, inspiration always comes. Most often it stampedes! Soon people are posting all sorts of topics: "What is beyond soup kitchens?;" "What do seniors need to tell their doctors?;" "Where could we raiserepparttar 132388 funds for this?" People really are fingers ofrepparttar 132389 divine and are itching for a chance to expand and work!

If you would like step-by-step instructions on how to make this happen, ask me to send you a free article. Let's move on torepparttar 132390 next stage: inviting action. You have people excited byrepparttar 132391 possibilities. They have even created some great ideas to make it happen.

How do you move from talk to action? The answer is simpler than you think: Ask and it will happen.

People are more anxious than you to get on with it. They want to jump out of their chairs and do something. Your job is to invite it--and get out of their way.

Why is this so? Becauserepparttar 132392 ideas came from inside them. They knowrepparttar 132393 validity and necessity of this calling. No one has dumped a project on them from a position of authority. Action sprouts from their core.

So you bringrepparttar 132394 whole gathering back into their circle to hear from each other and look at flip charts and reports that show allrepparttar 132395 work that has sprung up among them. Then you simply ask "What arerepparttar 132396 immediate next steps we need to take?" Get out ofrepparttar 132397 way as people postrepparttar 132398 categories of work that needs doing and run off to smaller groups to devise their practical next steps. In an hour you will have everyone back inrepparttar 132399 circle, almost too excited to sit in their chairs.

Now that's how you make change... sacred!

Prayer? Of course. Remember,repparttar 132400 whole event is a prayer.

About the author: Doug Germann facilitates sacred group retreats to make change. Need more ideas? You may contact Doug for the free step-by-step article, and to ask your questions.: 574/291-0022;; Fax: 574/291-0024; Mail: P.O. Box 2796, South Bend, IN 46680-2796;

American Women Really Don’t Like You

Written by Steve Eyes

Continued from page 1

Allrepparttar above words, statements and my observations have their exceptions. There is no doubt, there are bad men in every country. There is no doubt that some women only are in it forrepparttar 132384 money or to get a free pass torepparttar 132385 United States. These arerepparttar 132386 exceptions and it is this minority thatrepparttar 132387 media and others will use to blanket a whole culture in a negative light. I’m sure most of you have seen in print or onrepparttar 132388 news about “mail order bride” scandals or “mail order bride” mistreatment as if this defines all courtships and marriages that develop throughrepparttar 132389 internet. If a few instances definesrepparttar 132390 standards, then just getting a marriage license inrepparttar 132391 United States should have a warning imprinted in gold. No matter if a couple met throughrepparttar 132392 internet or atrepparttar 132393 neighborhood church, you have your share of scandals and mistreatment. The last culture of experts that needs to be giving advise about how to meet and marry a women isrepparttar 132394 United States – is there any other country whose divorce rate is higher?

The Philippines does not condone online dating sites. For that matter, it is againstrepparttar 132395 law. I’m not going to quote their law here, but it has to do with moral issues. Again hypocrisy!. Ifrepparttar 132396 Philippines are so worried about women rights, there are other issues they could concentrate on besides taking away a women’s right to find happiness, love and a better life for herself. She wouldn’t be looking elsewhere, ifrepparttar 132397 Philippine government took care of her needs. Should I complain? Probably not, or most Filipina women would not be joining online dating sites to meet American men. My objection to this law is how it is used inrepparttar 132398 Philippines as a political vehicle rather then sincere concern for women’s rights. Hypocrisy, it is everywhere, isn’t it?

I started this article to comment on why a lot of American women despise Asian women. Not all American women, but a lot. Butrepparttar 132399 discrimination doesn’t stop there. It is evident inrepparttar 132400 media, politics and indeed in their own country. The people who are forgotten, arerepparttar 132401 couples themselves. Why not just ask them? If two people who found each other are happy, in love and want to be together, why doesrepparttar 132402 media and politician think they know better. More then likely, it isn’t about whatrepparttar 132403 couple want, but more about politics and sensationalism to sell news. Take your hatred, your narrow minded views and negative publicity elsewhere and let us find love – even if we find it onrepparttar 132404 internet.

Steve Eyes is the webmaster and owner of FilipinaEyes Association. His experience comes from finding love on the internet and helping others do the same.

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