SYI: Save your Identity

Written by Roger Sorensen

Continued from page 1

Step 4: Fix what's broken. Be diligent in your activity. Do not letrepparttar blockheadedness of credit company representatives get you down;repparttar 112167 burden of proof is on you to show that you did not order those goods. Keep calling, emailing, and sending certified letters repeatedly until you get allrepparttar 112168 false information removed from your credit report. If this happens to you, always identify yourself as a victim of identity theft and supplyrepparttar 112169 company with a notarized ID Theft Affidavit available at Becoming a criminal reporter will help as you piece together whatrepparttar 112170 thief has done by asking as many questions as you can.

Step 5: Recovery. Does anyone truly recover from an ID theft experience? Looking at your credit report fromrepparttar 112171 three bureaus at least once a year is important for everybody to do. For a victim of ID theft, it is imperative. Starting December 1, a nationwide system of fraud detection and alerts will create procedural standards CRAs must follow when a consumer reports an incident of identity theft. By September 2005 everyone will be able to request a free credit report once a year. Inrepparttar 112172 event that you are everrepparttar 112173 victim of identity theft, by being proactive you may be able to shortenrepparttar 112174 duration of your recovery. If you are fortunate enough to live in California or Texas, state law allows identity theft victims to freeze their credit reports. This means a bank or creditor has to request permission via a PIN number from you. Credit report attorneys warn against failing to stay vigilant, though. The danger is that negative data can return to your credit report, so do not assume that once fixed,repparttar 112175 problem will stay fixed for good. Keep checking your credit reports at least once a year just to makerepparttar 112176 past problems do not return to haunt you inrepparttar 112177 future. Fighting to clear your name takes time, effort, and expense on your part. The good news, though, is that you can get allrepparttar 112178 fraudulent accounts closed,repparttar 112179 black marks removed from your credit report, and resume some semblance of normalcy in your life. There is no guarantee that these actions will work, that depends on your persistence and good fortune. However, not taking these steps will guarantee you many years of misery, excessive interest rates, denied credit and mental anguish.

Roger Sorensen is a Financial Literacy Speaker and Author - his book "You Don't Own Money" is available online at He isrepparttar 112180 editor of BrighterFutures.Com and publisher of Money Basics - The Newsletter. His work is copyright protected material, so if you copy, print, and reproduce, etc., please give proper credit.

Roger Sorensen is a Financial Author and Speaker, and the editor of Money Basics, a monthly personal finance newsletter found online at After filling in his own debt pit equal to 150% of his annual income, Roger has turned the experiance into Brighter Futures, a Financial Literacy company. "There is hope for you, no matter how large your debt load might be."

The Future is Now

Written by Christina Nikolov

Continued from page 1

Some have envisioned nightmare scenarios whereby, as a military application, Nanotechnology and Genomics will lead torepparttar creation of soldiers without remorse, guilt, or fear – those sections of his brain responsible for emotion will be held in check or blocked altogether by molecular computers - creating soldiers capable of following orders without question, acting upon orders without fear, without worry, without remorse. This will also be applicable torepparttar 112166 intelligence sector. In reality however, it will be possible to utterly obviate and render obsolete today’s need for intelligence gathering altogether simply by delivering payloads of nanites torepparttar 112167 enemy’s water supply – both civilian and military. Or,repparttar 112168 payload could simply be delivered via air dispersion over wide areas – both battlefield and civilian areas could easily be targeted – remember these computers are molecular in size and capable of integrating with humans atrepparttar 112169 cellular level, and will execute their programming directly torepparttar 112170 human, including easily reproducing themselves from cellular material. The enemy, in point of fact, would be rendered non-existent if ‘re-programmed’ to berepparttar 112171 friend, or …… let your own imagination stagerepparttar 112172 scenario. It will be possible.

Inrepparttar 112173 field of medicine, a few ofrepparttar 112174 many uses will include heart patients injected with nanites designed to clear deposits fromrepparttar 112175 circulatory system. Other uses will be nanites designed for microsurgery easily repairing damaged tissue and performing cellular surgery for a variety of maladies. The sky, andrepparttar 112176 imagination ofrepparttar 112177 medical community isrepparttar 112178 limit.

Nanotechnology will revolutionizerepparttar 112179 world. There is no aspect of life that will be untouched by this advance. From agriculture to marketing – from biology to communication – virtually all that we can dream, both good and bad, will be possible. It will be possible for humans to carry within themrepparttar 112180 totality of human knowledge, available for instant recall. New knowledge could easily be passed from one human to another simply by touch, or by sight. Communication without speech will exist. Most disease can be eradicated, more food can be grown, and a ‘golden age’ will be entirely within humanity’s grasp. Or, a nightmare world of programmed ‘cyborgs’ will be commonplace. We will soon create a new species, which I have dubbed ‘Homo Superioralis,’ a blending, meshing and melding of human and DNA based molecular processors. Fantastic abilities and health will be available to anyone who carries within them these molecular computers. This is an issue that will soon confront all of us and it will becomerepparttar 112181 biggest issue of this century. The time is rapidly approaching, we will have to deal with this and make of it what we will. The technology, in its nascent stage, exists. It is rapidly evolving and emerging. A new world is being born.

How Does This Affectrepparttar 112182 Investor?

Opportunities will arise that we cannot, at this time, comprehend, or even imagine. As with any total revolution, everything changes. Those who invest forrepparttar 112183 long-term in stable and reliable companies atrepparttar 112184 leading edge of current research in this area will be onrepparttar 112185 ground floor ofrepparttar 112186 most explosive economic growth in history. For example, HP is expending tremendous effort to be atrepparttar 112187 forefront of this research.

The door torepparttar 112188 digital, information age is only slightly ajar,repparttar 112189 Internet and communication revolution barely turnedrepparttar 112190 knob ofrepparttar 112191 future. We have barely crossedrepparttar 112192 threshold – Nanotechnology will throwrepparttar 112193 door torepparttar 112194 future wide open.

Of course, some people continued to invest in buggy and surrey manufacturers even as others invested inrepparttar 112195 manufacture of cantankerous automobiles rolling along primitive highways. A new world awaits, there is profit to be made. Make no mistake – Nanotechnology isrepparttar 112196 ultimate next big thing - it will revolutionize humankind.

Timeframe – ten to twenty years max! Do your research and prepare.

Nano is, indeed,repparttar 112197 investment opportunity ofrepparttar 112198 age. As I have stated many times "prepare to profit." Think about it.

Christina Nikolov is the Founder and CEO of ChartWatchCentral, Inc. With almost two decades of charting the stock market and writing numerous stock selections and commentaries, Ms. Nikolov since 2001 has established ChartWatchCentral as an internationally read and trusted and reliable source of financial information.

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