SVG and Flash as the same species

Written by Maricon Williams

Continued from page 1

4.SVG supports sound. Nonetheless, if sound involves important intricate details, use Flash.

5.Use Flash if you prefer WYSIWYG to script.

SVG is advantageous inrepparttar following instances:

1. Use SVG if your task is fully scriptable. You can try DOM1 (part DOM2) interface and JavaScript. It means that you can build your empty SVG image using JavaScript.

2. SVG can effortlessly be created by ASP, PHP, Perl and extracted from a database. Be cautious though in setting mime-types onrepparttar 107308 server.

3. It is XML meaning it can be read by anything that can read XML. Flash can use XML but it has to be converted first.

4. You need not apply Flash’s action-script because SVG does not code per browser. It has a built-in ECMA-script engine.

5. SVG runs on IE/NS4+NS6/Mozilla and on PC/MAC/Linux.

6. SVG can be transformed through an XSLT style-sheet or parser. It also supports standard CSS1 style-sheets.

7. Texts used remains selectable and searchable. Graphic "objects" can be grouped, styled, transformed or composited and embedded text can be searched or indexed.

8. Features ofrepparttar 107309 specification include nested transformations, clipping paths, alpha masks, filter effects, template objects and, of course, extensibility

9. You need not buy Flash since only texteditor is needed to create SVG.

By now, I know you already have a choice. Take your pick and enjoyrepparttar 107310 features of your chosen technology!

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Proper Font Selection

Written by Maricon Williams

Continued from page 1

Keeprepparttar font simple. Your font is used to augment your message and not to impair it. Simplicity is still a virtue in writing so bear in mind using simple fonts not exaggerated ones.

Sometimes variation is necessary. Variety is most ofrepparttar 107307 time used to breakrepparttar 107308 monotony. Examples of variation are underlining ofrepparttar 107309 text, italization, makingrepparttar 107310 letters bold, highlighting andrepparttar 107311 likes. But it will be overstressed if you used them all so use them sparingly.

The last rule is to match your font with your medium. You can break other aforestated rules provided that it blends with your medium. Every project has many perspectives. Some are intended to general public some are specific. Some are serious others are funny. But whatever your approach and typeface it must redound torepparttar 107312 benefit of your project and not to destroy its goal.

After you are through reading these rules, ask yourself, am I using my fonts perfectly? If so continue what you’ve started. But if not, try to change your ways forrepparttar 107313 better. Communication is more than just words. Actually, there are a lot of things that we should consider to achieve not just comprehension but retention.

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