Written by James Sorrell

Continued from page 1
Please pray, daily, forrepparttar next chapter in The LORD GOD Jesus Christ's plan (this will please Jesus,repparttar 115115 'Maker of All Things', a lot): Psalms 122: 6-9 [GOOD NEWS BIBLE-Industrial Strength 1976 Edition] "Pray forrepparttar 115116 peace of Jerusalem: 'May those who love you prosper. May there be peace inside your walls and safety in your palaces.' Forrepparttar 115117 sake of my brothers and friends I say to Jerusalem, 'Peace be with you!' Forrepparttar 115118 sake ofrepparttar 115119 house ofrepparttar 115120 Lord our God I pray for your prosperity." Inrepparttar 115121 name of Jesus Christ, Amen!......................................................Also, please pray that God will userepparttar 115122 scriptural info on (( )) or or [SUICIDE VACCINE & 'Keeper ofrepparttar 115123 Flame'] to end suicide & other deadly deceptions, to give a witness to mankind that God is still stronger than all, when his believers obey him by "exposingrepparttar 115124 unfruitful deeds of darkness"!!! Thank you...CaptainChurch...........................................................Also, it is time for The REAL THING...LOVE: Love was designed by GOD for relationships between himself and his angels & humans, and between each other. You cannot "love" yourself...that is why masturbation, with all its fantasies, is is self-centered (which isrepparttar 115125 fallen sin condition that Eve & Adam caused)! When we are saved byrepparttar 115126 Holy Spirit, we become others-centered like GOD is, and He begins to re-create us fromrepparttar 115127 inside out (unlike "religion" which tries to change people fromrepparttar 115128 outside in...the core is still spiritually dead and is just a fake "veneer"). People userepparttar 115129 soulish "masturbation" excuse that they have to "love themselves first before they can love others"...."self-love" [they usually never get around to others, in their life]....and real love wasn't designed to do was only designed to be spent on God and other humans, like a water cycle! Real LOVE is what you do for ALL others that is in their highest or best interests, anytime, anywhere, selflessly (24/7)! C. S. Lewis wrote in MERE CHRISTIANITY that "it is better to forget about yourself altogether" and focus on all those you come in contact with, renouncing pride & self-centeredness, because we can easily be deceived byrepparttar 115130 enemy if we focus on ourselves....he writes "as long as you are looking down on others (putting yourself first), you will never see what is above you"! Christ said thatrepparttar 115131 only law now is love! At least see to it that your neighbor (everyone) has it just as good as you do! 1 Corinthians 13:7 The real thing [love] applied never fails!!!.................. [[The reason for Faith]] Paul had to write a letter torepparttar 115132 Jews, anonymously, to remind them that Faith wasrepparttar 115133 belief-bedrock of their ancestor, Abraham. Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith isrepparttar 115134 conviction of what we hope for, andrepparttar 115135 evidence of things NOT seen". They had long since walked by "sight" (tangible, visible, physical, laws, 'signs', tongues, visions, dreams, water baptism, other rituals, etc.), not "faith" [intangible, invisible, spiritual, God's, hope & love]. The reason for faith [spirit] is to "walk" (live) by it, not "sight" [soul]! When we haverepparttar 115136 indwelling Holy Spirit in our core, things of our 'soul' (will, intelligence, emotions, feelings, mind, thoughts, conscience, heart, human spirit, etc., which are vulnerable to our old nature ["old man"] & satan's influence) are supplanted & given a lesser place in our lives so that we can live by faith, listening forrepparttar 115137 Holy Spirit to userepparttar 115138 word of God written in our heart/spirit, inrepparttar 115139 "new man" [going inward: body>soul>H.S. indwelled new spirit-core]. Whererepparttar 115140 Holy Spirit indwells isrepparttar 115141 only place where we are not vulnerable to sin or demons; and that isrepparttar 115142 reason for faith. Faith alone isrepparttar 115143 operative clause in a Christian's life these last 2,000 years! [Faith defined:--->Hebrews 11:1 "To have faith is to be sure of what we hope for, to be certain of what we cannot see."]................................."The purpose of life is to serve and to show compassion andrepparttar 115144 will to help others. Only then have we ourselves become true human beings." Dr. Albert Schweitzer [Out of Africa]......................JOINrepparttar 115145 Good Fight!!!...All real Christians need to join in obedience and spirit to give one last shining witness to humanity beforerepparttar 115146 'Age ofrepparttar 115147 Gentiles' ends, andrepparttar 115148 "tribulation" begins, when Holy Spirit-indwelled Christians will no longer be onrepparttar 115149 earth! We are supposed to "exposerepparttar 115150 deceptive, evil deeds of darkness"....ammunition for that fight can be found on: (( )) or on this homepage, or Stop by and pick up your ammo; distributerepparttar 115151 free, volunteer web addresses to others, and help set satan back a couple of thousand years by setting humanity free for a short while {"the eye ofrepparttar 115152 hurricane"}, to hearrepparttar 115153 good news ofrepparttar 115154 gospel without his deceptive interference and influence! This is how we celebrate Christ's victory by showingrepparttar 115155 human race that GOD is still stronger than all!..............Captain Church ----------Topic: Mick's response to SUICIDE VACCINE "I realised recently that if I ever caused an upset with someone - knowingly or unknowingly - that I would try to handle this upset by harming myself in an effort to placaterepparttar 115156 other person. This included serious physical damage to myself and attempted suicide. Having spotted this info (Suicide Vaccine), I am now no longer going to do it and wished to let you know this. It would be better for me to confrontrepparttar 115157 things I have caused and handle them. Love Mick." Teacher: The Keeper ofrepparttar 115158 Flame

Lover and Leader

Using Natural Skincare to combat Allergies & Eczema

Written by K. McCafferty

Continued from page 1
When breastfeeding, I realized it is common for dad’s to feel a little left out of their new baby’s life. This is something I would never of thought of before I had children. Using a few drops of Lavender Essential oil to help calm and soothe inrepparttar Grapeseed oil , we massaged our son nightly and it amazing how peacefully he went to sleep. Not once did one of our children fuss at bedtime or cry themselves to sleep. Bedtime was an enjoyable as well as relaxing time of day, not all parents can say this. Daddy was happy too as he finally felt a part of our baby’s life, as he wasrepparttar 115114 one mainly performingrepparttar 115115 massages after I nursed. Massage not only leaves your baby soft , but massage also stimulates your baby’s brain. Stimulation ofrepparttar 115116 brain encourages growth & mental development. Children who have had this kind of contact at a young age also grow into more self confident and content individuals. At school age, both of our children still enjoy having their backs rubbed at night to get to sleep, and still to this day bedtime is enjoyable. I believe that because we put massaging them from birth as an important aspect in their life, today they are affectionate, happy and secure children. Of course we know that other factors have contributed, but I totally believe in infant massage, especially as they still enjoy it at school age. Shortly after my second son was born it became evident that he had a hereditary skin condition called Eczema. Because my mother in law was already using my Baby Body Butter to combat her Eczema, I knew exactly what would work. We have been able to totally suppress his Eczema since birth. I have also been selling my products to consumers in Japan ( ). They have a serious problem of atopic eczema ( atopy ) with their children, and I am proud to say my products have been very effective in their country. Since they love to play outdoors, I wanted to ensure that my children were protected. Due torepparttar 115117 controversy ofrepparttar 115118 appropriate level of deet to use on children, not to mention it is a pesticide, I wanted my children to be protected naturally. I knew this could be done with pure essential oils, as historically groups like our native Indians have been using plant extracts for centuries. Bye Bye Buggy is an effective way to keep you and your family ‘bite free’. We have been using it faithfully for over five years now and now so do many families. We debuted a new product this year called Bye Bye SUN. This is a natural mineral based titanium dioxide sunscreen. Unlike commercial sunscreens that protect you from UVA & UVB rays with chemicals that sink into your skin, our sunscreen provides a physical sunblock by applying an invisible ‘film’ to you skin. The microfine titanium dioxide actually reflectsrepparttar 115119 suns rays, UVA and UVB, away from your skin. It does need to be reapplied every 2-3 hours, and more so after swimming or excessive perspiration. Applied properly, it is an effective sunscreen. Like any sunscreen, it is meant to be used in conjunction with minimized exposure and proper clothing such as hats, long sleeve shirts, etc. Best of all it can be safely used on children over 4 weeks of age. We recommend that our sunscreen have a SPF of 15- 18, based onrepparttar 115120 directions fromrepparttar 115121 manufacturer ofrepparttar 115122 titanium dioxide. The Shea butter we use inrepparttar 115123 cream also contributes torepparttar 115124 SPF as it has a natural SPF value of between 6- 8. Because we use natural ingredients to maintain our SPF, we cannot put and exact SPF level on our product by Health Canada Standards. We use this product most importantly on ourselves and our children, you can trust it on yours. Bye Bye SUN is created usingrepparttar 115125 same Shea Butter cream base as our Baby Body Butter, so it is safe & healing for skin conditions such as Eczema & Psoriasis. Although Spring Rain Botanicals ( ) started out as a safe way to pamper myself,repparttar 115126 heart ofrepparttar 115127 company centers aroundrepparttar 115128 Baby and Pregnancy products which are truly my passion. Since they were created for my own pregnancy and babies, you can trust Spring Rain Botanicals line of amazing products. Enjoy ! For further Information you can contact Karen McCafferty, owner of Spring Rain Botanicals. PO Box 257 Fonthill, Ontario CANADA L0S 1E0 905 892 2944

Sef made business woman uses personal experience to help others with their allergies & skin conditions

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