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There are numerous things you can promote with your welcome letter. Also, do not overlook your goodbye letter. You have one last chance to get this person back. Make it a good one. ;-)
I also have a little message in my goodbye letter that encourages people to let me know why they unsubbed.
Thank you for being a subscriber to My Own Ezine. I am sorry to see you go. If you could take a minute to let me know why you unsubbed, I would appreciate it. Please drop a quick note to Thank you.
You might learn ways to improve your ezine by asking former subs this question. Of course, they do not all answer, but a good many do! Always reply to them with a short but appreciative thank you note!
I also promote many of
same things as I do with my welcome letter. By doing this you just might get this person to think........"Maybe I will take one last look and see what they have."
In this business, you have to utilize every opportunity possible and this FR~E advertising could turn out to be a golden one!
Happy Holidays to you and yours!
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