Written by Kevin Graf

Continued from page 1
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About the offer:

Kevin Graf and his wife Karen have helped hundreds of individuals to succeed with an online business. Visit their site to find out how you can change your life for the better. or

An Overlooked Fr~e Advertising Opportunity

Written by Terri Seymour

Continued from page 1

There are numerous things you can promote with your welcome letter. Also, do not overlook your goodbye letter. You have one last chance to get this person back. Make it a good one. ;-)

I also have a little message in my goodbye letter that encourages people to let me know why they unsubbed.


Thank you for being a subscriber to My Own Ezine. I am sorry to see you go. If you could take a minute to let me know why you unsubbed, I would appreciate it. Please drop a quick note to Thank you.

You might learn ways to improve your ezine by asking former subs this question. Of course, they do not all answer, but a good many do! Always reply to them with a short but appreciative thank you note!

I also promote many ofrepparttar same things as I do with my welcome letter. By doing this you just might get this person to think........"Maybe I will take one last look and see what they have."

In this business, you have to utilize every opportunity possible and this FR~E advertising could turn out to be a golden one!

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

************* Terri Seymour and her husband Terry of offer a no cost, home business opportunity. Apply online. Resources and more for your home business available at Free ecourse


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