Written by Dianne Goodman, CPA

Continued from page 1


Your small business must pay social security and Medicare taxes, federal income tax withholding, federal unemployment tax along with your state and local income taxes. The associated tax returns for reporting these taxes are in general filed quarterly. Your business is entrusted to pay these taxes on behalf of your employees and not only do you have penalties and interest that you will pay for not filing them timely but can also be committing a crime due torepparttar fiduciary responsibility. You need to be sure you know what you are doing here asrepparttar 103797 consequences could be costly.


Except in a few cases,repparttar 103798 law does not require any specific kinds of records. The most important thing to ask yourself is can you go back to all ofrepparttar 103799 original receipts fromrepparttar 103800 number on your return. If you were to be asked by an IRS agent to provide allrepparttar 103801 details of a certain number on your return, and you can not do that, you will be at his whim on whether he will allow that deduction. An efficient accounting system with a solid audit trail which has been reconciled isrepparttar 103802 safest way to be sure you have done this.

These are just some questions you may have regarding starting your new business. If you have more, e-mail me at and I will help you muddle throughrepparttar 103803 tax and business issues you may have. After all, those of us that have our own business know it’srepparttar 103804 only way to go but getting up and running can be a bit of a challenge.

This article was intended to provide general information about starting a business. It does not contain allrepparttar 103805 rules and exceptions that may apply to your situation. If you have further questions regarding starting a small business, I can be reached at

Coming Soon - Year End Tax Planning and Preparation


Dianne Goodman, CPA Comprehensive Small Business Solutions, PC 505 323-2307 1 866-531-3035 toll free

You have permission to reprint what you just read. Use it in your ezine, at your website or in your newsletter. The only requirement is to includerepparttar 103806 following footer... Starting a Business? What New (and existing) Business Owners Should Know by Dianne Goodman, visit for more content like this.

Specializes in servicing Small Businesses and Individuals. Visit for relevant and current information on a variety of financial and tax issues focusing on small businesses and individuals or call at 1-866-531-3035.

10 Powerful Networking Tips Using Business Cards

Written by C. E. Reid

Continued from page 1

7. Place yourself atrepparttar right place atrepparttar 103796 right time. Have you been to a job fair or business conference and been disappointed withrepparttar 103797 networking results? Turnrepparttar 103798 tables around. Consider volunteering to help out atrepparttar 103799 job fair or other types of events. This puts you in a better strategic position for presenting your resume or business card. Company representatives might view you differently, if they know you are willing to gorepparttar 103800 extra mile in helping them make their presence easier to manage. Get involved by visiting,, or viewrepparttar 103801 calendar of events for to place yourself in opportunities for giving out your business card. Volunteering for events has been a very successful resource for my business partner and I to expanding our business. Zig Ziglar, one ofrepparttar 103802 most successful sales trainers inrepparttar 103803 world says "if you help enough people get what they want in life, you will get what you want in life".

8. Use "In Your Face" follow up. Did you ever have a job interview or meeting with a recruiter, potential client or employer and wonder why they never called you back? “Out of sight, out of mind” isrepparttar 103804 operative phrase to remember. Today’s economic climate dictates you might be competing with 20, 50, 100 or more other people forrepparttar 103805 same position or contract. It’s quite a task for people to keep track of each individual meeting. So it’s up to you to give a person a reason to call you back. Immediately after a meeting snail mail a hand written note thankingrepparttar 103806 person for their time. Insert your business card. Now you’re inrepparttar 103807 driver’s seat in standing out from other people. If you get no response, do it again. Patience and persistence pays off.

9. Use promotions to promote YOU, Inc. Newspapers often have stories of people being promoted to high levels in different organizations? This is an opportunity for you. Consider getting some invitation size blank greeting cards. Userepparttar 103808 Internet’s search capabilities to find outrepparttar 103809 address ofrepparttar 103810 company’s executive offices. Sendrepparttar 103811 blank invitation type card with a hand written note sincerely congratulating a person on their promotion. Insert your business card. Forrepparttar 103812 cost of a 37-cent stamp, you have just made someone’s day and may create an impression that makes a person feel compelled to respond back to you. Make it a habit to do this once a week. Remember “6 Degrees of Separation”. You just never know . . . People open invitation type envelops faster than any others.

10. Brand yourself with a slogan. Print a slogan on your business card that answersrepparttar 103813 question “Why should I hire you? Or "What makes you different from everyone else?" A catchy phrase or slogan insures people ALWAYS associate a company name with their product or services. People remember even afterrepparttar 103814 commercial is over. That’s called branding. Companies pay big bucks to advertising agencies to come up with these lasting slogans. Consider doingrepparttar 103815 exact same thing on your business card. This is your insurance people remember you, after you meet. Don’t just put Hortence Smiley, Accountant on your business card. Add something like "Financial Services With Integrity". A slogan makes allrepparttar 103816 difference between getting hired or not, because people will remember you long after a meeting.

Happy trails networking . . .

In addition to hosting WIIFM Success Radio, C.E. Reid advises small businesses on Internet Business-2-Business opportunities. He has also helped many people successfully advance their careers and start businesses with 15 years as a part time Business & Career Coach. His consulting clients have included IBM/Lotus, JPMChase and Citicorp, to name a few. Email: Web:

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