Written by Marvin Badler

Continued from page 1
3) 4) If you arrive home and think there is someone inside your house or apartment, should you call a neighbor so that both of you can check your home? No! Don't add another victim torepparttar crime. Instead, CALL POLICE. If you awaken at night and think there is an intruder in your home: 1) Stay in bed, be quiet and pretend to be asleep. 2) Call police whenrepparttar 101410 burglar leaves. I f you see a prowler on your property, or if someone is trying to break into your apartment, condo, or home: 1) Make a lot of noise by shouting or screaming. 2) CALL POLICE IMMEDIATELY!

Founder & Director of the International Security Group, LTD Former Chief of Security of El Al Israel Airlines, USA Fomer Chief Investigator - NYCDC

Buying the Perfect Suit

Written by Leo Green

Continued from page 1

Need a wedding suit? If you are part ofrepparttar wedding party you should make your choice based onrepparttar 101409 guidelines provided byrepparttar 101410 groom. Otherwise choose a nice dressy dark suit for an evening affair. An afternoon gala calls for a mid range color and in summer even a nice beige is appropriate. Ifrepparttar 101411 wedding suit will be your only suit followrepparttar 101412 advice we provided above and get yourself a good all purpose suit.

Men onrepparttar 101413 go often need a good travel suit to get fromrepparttar 101414 plane directly to an important meeting. Look for a suit that is made of a wrinkle resistant fabric, preferably wool as it breathes well, has lots of pockets with secure closures and is treated with Teflon for stain repellency. Consider a navy blue or black suit sorepparttar 101415 jacket can double as a blazer.

Choosingrepparttar 101416 right fabric is important. Despite allrepparttar 101417 advances in textile design and engineeringrepparttar 101418 fabric of choice for a fine suit is still good quality wool. This natural fiber is robust, drapes well, bounces back into shape after repeated use, breathes well and looks good. Fine woolens are manufactured in various finishes and weights. Other fabrics that are commonly used for suits are microfibre, polyester and wool blends, silk and silk blends and linen. Microfibre fabrics are generally a great choice for a more casual men’s suit and wear nicely but generally do not breath as well as good wool. Silk and wool blends are usually lighter weight fabrics and generally fit intorepparttar 101419 specialty suit and elegant suit categories. Men’s suits made of wool and polyester blends are usually stiffer, do not breath as well and should be less expensive. Linen suits are intended for a casual look, are wonderful inrepparttar 101420 heat and wrinkle when you look at them.

There are many good reasons to purchase onrepparttar 101421 web. The convenience of shopping when you want to, shopping fromrepparttar 101422 comfort of your own home or office, selection,repparttar 101423 ability to find items not available close to home and of course price. How do you buy an item as individual as a suit? Ifrepparttar 101424 product is not generic and you are not sure ofrepparttar 101425 fit etc… Choose a merchant that is experienced and knows his product. Email or call and ask enough questions to give you confidence. Describe your body type,repparttar 101426 purpose of your suit, your price range and what you already have in your closet. Expect a professional, timely response. Ascertain that they have an acceptable return policy. Be sure they have been in business for at least a few years. Read customer testimonials on their site and ensure transactions are in a secure environment.

Co-owner and manager of Montreal's Boutique Jacques and

Graduating with a B.Comm from Concordia University in 1970, Green landed a position as financial management planner with Canadian General Electric.

After seven years in public practice and a position as financial systems coordinator at Royal Victoria Hospital, Green went out on his own as a mergers and acquisitions consultant.

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