Rugby Coach - 5 Steps to More Effective Rucking

Written by Dan Cottrell, Editor of Rugby Coach Newsletter

Continued from page 1

4. Shoulders, hips and finger tips Get your players’ shoulders and hips lower thanrepparttar shoulders and hips ofrepparttar 148061 players in front of them. If can you also touch your finger tips onrepparttar 148062 ground just beforerepparttar 148063 contact, then, as long asrepparttar 148064 hips are lower thanrepparttar 148065 shoulders,repparttar 148066 contact should be enormous.

5. Leaverepparttar 148067 ball alone If players look to pick and drive (gatherrepparttar 148068 ball and take it on), or even try to securerepparttar 148069 ball by picking it up, thenrepparttar 148070 momentum ofrepparttar 148071 drive is lost and it just causes more traffic. Also pickingrepparttar 148072 ball up can lead to players being off balance and potential knock-ons as well. Help players make decisions on when to pick and drive andrepparttar 148073 only time to do this –whenrepparttar 148074 ball is clear atrepparttar 148075 back ofrepparttar 148076 ruck.

Dan Cottrell is the Editor and founder of Rugby Coach and has experienced rugby coaching at most levels. Dan qualified as an RFU rugby coach in 1997, he has worked with Jack Rowell (former England coach) Brian Ashton (former Ireland coach)and at Bristol, with Dave Alred, famously known as Jonny Wilkinson’s kicking coach.

Rugby Coach - Making core skills fun

Written by Dan Cottrell, Editor of Rugby Coach Newsletter

Continued from page 1

Different balls

And one should not just think of different rugby balls, but also try using tennis balls (see issue 10), footballs (have you ever tried spinning one of these?) or even beach balls. All could add an element of fun, if not enhance your players understanding of ball handling.

Resistance running and passing

Resistance running is where another player holds onto a player’s shirt or shorts as they try to run forward. The idea is to letrepparttar player make some progress but making them work significantly harder than they would do normally. Have you tried this technique with ball handing? Players do not always haverepparttar 148060 luxury of passing unhindered.

Cones as distracters

In passing drills, make a player carry a cone in one hand. They are allowed to userepparttar 148061 cone and other hand to catchrepparttar 148062 ball, but they must release or passrepparttar 148063 ball usingrepparttar 148064 hand withoutrepparttar 148065 cone. Once they have made right hand passes, then get them to change hands. Move on to getting players to take passes one-handed – replicatingrepparttar 148066 times inrepparttar 148067 game when they need to take contact withrepparttar 148068 other arm. One handed pass to one-handed catcher is not going to moverepparttar 148069 ball quickly acrossrepparttar 148070 field, but it might be very useful in a tight situation. For more articles on Rugby Coaching or to sign up for a free Rugby Coaching newsletter please visit

Dan Cottrell is the Editor and founder of Rugby Coach and has experienced rugby coaching at most levels. Dan qualified as an RFU rugby coach in 1997, he has worked with Jack Rowell (former England coach) Brian Ashton (former Ireland coach)and at Bristol, with Dave Alred, famously known as Jonny Wilkinson’s kicking coach.

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