Roe vs. Wade 32nd Anniversary

Written by Laura Bankston

Continued from page 1 - developmental facts of fetus by days and weeks - debating right to life

'In 2000, more children died from abortion than Americans died inrepparttar Revolutionary War,repparttar 110322 Civil War, World Wars I and II,repparttar 110323 Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined'

Today, I hug my children. I thank God for them.

Today I pray for those pregnant teens and other women who are in emotional distress, for comfort for them, and for guidance to lead them inrepparttar 110324 way of adoption.

Today, I pray for our country and forrepparttar 110325 oportunity we have to reverse Roe vs. Wade.

Please take a moment right now to dorepparttar 110326 same.

Thank God forrepparttar 110327 people who fight forrepparttar 110328 rights of these unborn infants just as we would fight for justice if anyone tookrepparttar 110329 life of one of our children.

Reflect and remember what abortion is doing to America.

Laura Bankston is author of homeschool Cooking with Kids Curriculum: Homeschool Cooking in a Box and the Homeschool Cookbook. She currently home schools her three children, maintains home school support websites, and manages their family-owned service business. For information on her curriculum and free home school support services, please visit

"Good & Not So Good Advice From Our Moms (UK)"

Written by Debbie Jenkins

Continued from page 1

In Our "Terrible" Teens... -------------------------------------- * Why? Because I said so that's why! * I would have never talked to MY mother like that! * Look at me when I'm talking to you. * I wasn't born yesterday you know. * After all I've done for you, and this isrepparttar thanks I get? * You'd better wipe that smile off your face before I do! * Don't look at me in that tone of voice! * You can't find it? Well, where did you leave it last? * I'm not here just for your entertainment. * If you opened your eyes as wide as your mouth, you'd be able to find it! * I don't embarrass you, do I? * As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say. * I'm not just talking to hear my own voice. * How can you sleep in an unmade bed?

Now we're older... We find ourselves sometimes too busy to enjoyrepparttar 110321 time we used to have with our moms. If you can get to see her do it. If not be sure to phone! Maybe buy her a gift... If your mom is no longer with you, I hope this brings some fun memories.

Send this article to 3 or more friends, bring a smile to their face and remind them to thank their mom... this UK Mother's Day - Sunday March 6th.

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KEYWORDS mother's day,momisms,mom,good advice,humour, mothering sunday,mother,mothers day,

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