Reward Those Who Publish Your Articles!

Written by Martin Lemieux

Continued from page 1

Infact, if you've seen my marketing tip articles, there is a small resource box atrepparttar bottom of each article that links to allrepparttar 120762 sites that have listed that specific article. Being more specific, I don't link to their main page, I link to my article.

Here's what that accomplishes...

Let's say your article is listed on "Artices R Us" and you want your article to be found by anyone who searches for that company, boosting your pr rating for your article on "Articles R Us" will help you get more visitors from that site.

See, it's not only about listing your articles because we would all like to have our articles found right away and 1st. Don't missrepparttar 120763 chance to gain more visitors by letting your article die out onrepparttar 120764 site that you listed it in.

What if all your articles listed on other sites, had a pr rating in google of (pr4) or more? That would be great!

That would be great because we all know that Google rewards your link popularity when listed in a page that is pr4 or more!

So don't be shy to reward those who list your articles, doing so will only boost your search engine ranking and also give you a lot more visitors than before!


About The Author:

Martin Lemieux Smartads - President Affordable web site design & Web Site Marketing Tips ASES - Affordable Search Engine Specialists


Reduce Your Stress:  Create a Countdown Marketing Calendar

Written by Catherine Franz

Continued from page 1

A third way to complete a countdown calendar would be to complete it in a linear form.

Day 21—Speaking event results I desire…describe those results.

Day 20—Get handouts printed at Kinko’s.

Day 19—Write and send out reminder email to organizer.

To Day 1 – Today.

Again, if you have a reoccurring countdown, like teleclasses, you can create a linear countdown calendar likerepparttar one above. Eventually you will see a consistent pattern of to-dos. At that point, don’t stop doing this withrepparttar 120761 thinking you have it down pat and you don’t need to. This will jump up and bite you inrepparttar 120762 assets fairly quickly by bogging down your mind and making you wonder if you are missing something. If that occurs, jump back intorepparttar 120763 habit, it is a great one to have. Even if it is frustrating because it takes thinking time. 

Once you have your count down calendar completed then you can enter it into your automatic reminder calendar, like Outlook or Act. This will track all your deadlines, goals, and projects. You will have a separate count down calendar for each one.

Catherine Franz is a marketing industry veteran and strategist, a Certified Business Coach, Certified Teleclass Leader and Trainer, speaker, and author. Ezines, tips and articles are available:

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