Review: Stop Bullying Bobby

Written by Alyice Edrich

Continued from page 1

While I feltrepparttar story was “too grown up” to have been told byrepparttar 109942 seven-year-old narrator, I do believerepparttar 109943 story was very well thought out and offers a valuable lesson for both children and adults, alike.

Stop Bullying Bobby shows how verbal and physical abuse can stifle victims while instructing children in healthy, safe ways to protect other children from bullies. It also reminds children that it’s okay to be different and that in our differences, we’re special and worthy of love and acceptance.

Finally,repparttar 109944 book ends with great, short, but concise tips to help parents and teachers stop bullying in their community as well as tips on helping bullied children find protection and safety.

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping busy parents balance life. Visit her online for free information on how she can help you succeed, today.

Review: A Child's Missal

Written by Alyice Edrich

Continued from page 1
with my in-laws, to find myself in awe ofrepparttar beauty ofrepparttar 109941 Catholic ceremonies. The rituals always seemed to have deep meaning andrepparttar 109942 stained glass windows always stood out with such vibrancy. Yet,repparttar 109943 symbolism and rich culture left me a bit bewildered. That is, until I read A Child’s Missal. It is a beautifully illustrated book showcasingrepparttar 109944 various stages of a Catholic Mass. It explainsrepparttar 109945 different stages ofrepparttar 109946 mass through photographs, paintings, drawings, and short blurbs. In my humble opinion, this visual prayer book would make a great gift for anyone enteringrepparttar 109947 Catholic church, graduating from Catechism, or getting baptized. Finally, it would make a nice conversational piece and/or coffee table book for devout Catholics.

Alyice Edrich is a freelance writer specializing in helping busy parents balance life. Visit her online for free information on how she can help you succeed, today.

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