Revelations,A Study.Section 5. Written by Rev.Anthony Smith
Continued from page 1 1Co 12:6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is same God which worketh all in all.] Rev 7:3 Saying, Hurt not earth, neither sea, nor trees, till we have sealed servants of our God in their foreheads. The plagues will not start untill sealing of 144,000. Rev 7:4 And I heard number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all tribes of children of Israel. [ref; Rev_14:1, Rev_14:3] As for tribes of Israel there are actually 13 to speak of. The Tribes; Juda, Reuben, Gad, Aser, Nepthalim, Manasses, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zabulon, Joseph, Benjamin. Can you see one thats missing from this list? Its Tribe of Dan. [Ref; Exo_1:2-4; Num_1:4-15, Num_10:14-27, Num_13:4-16.] The Levi Tribe is actually not a tribe but an administration of Religious matters, The Priest of other twelve tribes. [Ref; Gen 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of tribes of Israel. Gen 49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by way, an adder in path, that biteth horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.] (1Ki_12:29). Dan's genealogy is not given in 1 Chronicles 2-12. Its unsettled state audits connection with far N. Dan, headquarters of idolatry, may have caused loss of genealogy. Dan is omitted among sealed in Revelation 7 as having been first to lapse into idolatry, for which cause Ephraim also is omitted (Judges 17; Hos_4:17) and Joseph substituted. Arethas of 10th century suggests that Dan's omission is because Antichrist is to be from him, or else to be his tool (compare Gen_49:17; Jer_8:16; Amo_8:14), as there was a Judas among twelve. Jacob's prophecy, "Dan shall be a serpent in way, ... that biteth horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward," alludes primarily to Dan's local position in front of royal Judah;. end section 5.
A.R.Smith Sermons International
| | Revelations a Study. section 4. Written by Rev.Anthony Smith
Continued from page 1 “the fourth part of earth' “25 %” will fall by starvation, war and beasts. Those that have refused God. “Hell followed with him.” Destination. Rev 6:9 thru 6:11 is speaking of those who were marytered then and now and thoses to come. Today there are many that are being killed for their testimony of Jesus. Day after day I recieve mail telling of Christians being killed for passing out Bibles or witnessing about Jesus. Prophecy is being fulfilled. Rev 6:9 And when he had opened fifth seal, I saw under altar souls of them that were slain for word of God, and for testimony which they held: This phrase is future prophecy.“until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.” Reference. Rev_7:14, Rev_13:15, Rev_17:6; Mat_10:21, Mat_23:34, Mat_23:35; Joh_16:2; Heb_11:40. Those awaiting Justice.”How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on earth?” Isa 26:21 For, behold, LORD cometh out of his place to punish inhabitants of earth for their iniquity: earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. Isa 29:6 Thou shalt be visited of LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and flame of devouring fire. The sixth Seal.The great day of Wrath Rev 6:17 For great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? a great earthquake; and sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and moon became as blood; stars of heaven fell unto earth mountain and island were moved These are literial; A great earthquake; The sun becomeing black,The moon becomeing as blood; mountains and islands are moved, heaven departs as a scroll. Rev 6:13 “And stars of heaven fell unto earth.” Stars = Fallen angels, being removed from third heavan. Reverences;Eze_32:7; Dan_8:10. Rev 6:15 Showes that there is no diference between man in eyes of God. end section 4.
A.R.Smith Sermons International